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So Bob brought me back. Miss. Daisy was happy to see me but sad about what happened. I don't get much sleep. I wake up screaming most nights.

"Bluebell! Time for breakfast!" Miss. Daisy yells.

"I'm not hungry!" I yell back.

I lay in my bed. I'm scared he is gunna find me.

I hear someome talking outside my door.

"Bluebell. You have a visitor." Miss. Daisy says sweetly.

I look to the door. Some guy about 20 is standing there.

"Okay?" I say.

Miss. Daisy leaves.

Why did she leave me with him! What if he hurts me?!

"Hey. I'm Cameron Dallas." The guy says.

"Why are you here." I ask backing away.

"I dunno." He says pulling a chair up next to me.

"Don't hurt me." I whisper.

Cameron looks at me shocked.

"I would never hurt you." Cameron says looking into my eyes.

"Then why are you here?" I say curling into a ball.

"To be your friend!" Cameron says.

I looked at him shocked.

"What?" I ask confused.

"I want to be your friend." Cameron repeats.

"Come here." Cameron says.

I look at him. He is actually really hot.

I move closer to him.

He wraps his arms around me.

I hesitate but wrap my arms around his neck.

"See?" Cameron says smiling.

I nod smiling.

"So tell me about yourself." Cameron says smiling.

"My name is Bluebell. I'm 15, I was adopted by Emily and Pete. Pete abused me. Emily died because of cancer. I was there 3 weeks. I've been here my whole life except for those weeks. I play guitar and I long board." I say.

"Wait. You were abused?" Cameron asks concerned.

I nod.

"Miss. Daisy said you haven't slept much." Cameron says.

I nod yawning.

"I'm to scared to sleep." I say.

"I know what would help." Cameron says.

"What's that?" I ask.

"Cuddling." Cam says.

"With who?" I ask.

"Me!" Cameron exclaims.

I giggle and nod.

"I can?" Cameron asks.

I nod again.

Cameron kicks his shoes off. He climbs in bed with me. He gently wraps his arms around me and pulls me on top of him.

I giggle.

"Go to sleep. Your tired." Cameron says.

For once I'm not afraid.

"Blue?" Cameron says slowly.

"Hmm?" I mumble.

"What did you do to your wrists." Cameron says.

I snuggle my head into his shoulder.

"Bluebell." Cameron says.

"I did it. Please don't be mad or tell Miss. Daisy." I say crying.

"Shhh. I'm not mad. Please don't do it anymore." Cam says rubbing my back.

I nod.

"Now go to sleep." Cameron says.

Cameron continues to rub circles on my back.

I fall asleep in his arms.

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