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8 years later

I am now living with my husband and our little boy. Our house is beautiful. I had moved in with my birth parents. Nash and Hayes are still like my brothers though. Being 8 years later, my injures are healed, I do have a scar on my back though. Today is my son's birthday. April 9th.

"Anyone home?!" Sam yells opening my front door.

"Uncle Sammy!" My little boy Johnny yells running to the door.

I stand up carefully, being 8 months pregnant is damn hard.

"Mommy! Uncle Sammy is here!" Johnny says running back to me and grabbing my hand, pulling me along.

"Slow down, sweetheart." I say laughing.

"Hey guys!" Sam says hugging Johnny.

"Where is Sara?" Johnny asks.

Sam finally got a girlfriend. Johnny loves her.

"She's at work right now." Sam says.

"Awww." Johnny says frowning.

"How's your mommy?" Sam asks hugging me carefully.

Johnny smiles.

"Where's Ethan?" Sam whispers.

"Getting Johnny's present." I whisper back.

Ethan and I have been married almost 4 years years. Johnny's birthday is today he is turning 3.

Sam nods.

"I got something for you out in my car!" Sam says grabbing Johnny's hand.

"Burfday present?!" Johnny asks jumping around.

Sam smiles.

"Where is my Flower?!" Nash shouts.

"In the front room!" I shout back.

Nash and Hayes come from the back door.

"You're looking fabulous." Nash says hugging me.

I roll my eyes.

"How's Emily?" I ask Hayes. Hayes's girlfriend of 2 years.

"She's good!" Hayes says smiling.

"And Nash where's Kate?" I ask. Nash has been married for 5 years they have a 4 year old girl named Anna Maria.

"Anna is sick, they stayed home." He says.

I nod.

Someone wraps their arms around me above my Belly.

"I'm back." Ethan whispers.

I smile.

"Gramma!" Johnny shouts when my mother gets out of her car.

"Go say hello!" Ethan says opening the door for Johnny.

Johnny runs to Gramma.

"Surprise!" Cam shouts coming the back.

"Cam!" I yell at him.

"Don't scare the pregnant lady!" Nash says.

"Oh hush!" I say shoving him.

"Gilinsky! Johnson!" I say seeing the 2 boys coming with their wives.

Gilinsky married his girlfriend of like 5 years and Johnson married a fan named Catherine. Both couples are adorable.

Johnny is currently bouncing in excitement.

"Mommy, can I open my presents?" Johnny asks tugging my shirt.

"Not yet. Cake is first!" I say smiling.

"Bluebell." Nash says slowly.

"Mmm?" I say turning around.

I look into Nash's eyes, panic.

I feel a liquid running down my leg.

"Johnny go show Gramma your toys." I say trying to be calm.

He nods and pulls Gramma into the other room.

"Ethan." I say feeling the pain.

"Right here baby." He says grabbing my hand.

"Nash grab the purple bag from my room. Sam get the newborn car seat. Cam get my black back pack." I say as Ethan and Grayson lead me to the car.

"Breath babe." Ethan says helping me get in.

I nod.


Ethan's POV

"Congratulations, you have twins. A boy and a girl." The doctor says holding my baby girl.

Bluebell is holding the boy.

"Names?" The doctor asks handing me the girl.

"Rose Ann Dolan and Jacob Grayson Dolan." I say. Bluebell nods her head in approval.

"Beautiful." The doctor says.

"We need to clean them up quick and do a few tests. Shouldn't take long." Another doctor says.

We nod and hand them Rose and Jake.

"You did good babe." I say kissing Bluebell's lips.

She nods and smiles.

"3 kids with the same birthday." She mumbles.

"Get some sleep baby." I say kissing her forehead.

She nods and drifts off to sleep.

I got my beautiful wife and adorable kids. I guess even though Bluebell started out so broken, everything ended beautifully. Yeah life has its ups and downs but the ups are far greater than the downs. And a roller-coaster would be awfully bored if it never went down.


{Author's Note}

{Sorry it's the end. But hey happy ending! Please read my other stories! Dallas sister is a finished one and Fleur shop is in the working kinda. I plan on writing many more stories haha. This one ended up being like 20898 words... soooo Love ya'll! PEACE!}

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