Part 18

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Nash's POV

"Wait, they are dating?" The girl asks.

"I don't think so, he likes her a lot though." Gray says.

"You should leave." I say standing up.

"Why?" She whines.

"You just insulted my sister." I say showing her to the door.

I got her to leave finally.

"Let's go check on her." Cam says.

We go in the women's bathroom.

"Hey Ethan, is she okay?" I whisper in his ear.

He shakes his head.

"Bell, it is Cam, Ethan and Nash. Please open up." I say.

The stall door unlocks and creaks open.

She looks so broken.

I instantly scoop her up in a hug.

"It's gunna be okay." I say rubbing her back.

She nods.

"Can we go back to the hotel, I don't feel good." She says.

"Yeah, here want a piggy back ride?" Cam asks.

She nods.

She hops on Cam's back.

Cam makes horse noises.

Bluebell giggles a little.

"Let's go." I say opening the door.

"Guys we are leaving!" Cam says.

All the others nod and through the garbage away.

We quickly pile into the car and drive off.

"You okay Bell?" Johnson asks.

She nods and gives a small smile. I can tell she is lying.

"Let's swim when we get back." Gilinsky says.

"Sure! But Bell probably won't." Gray says.

She nods.

"I'll watch." She says quietly.

We go in the back door, and go to our rooms.

"Blue gets the bathroom, don't come out until we say so." Hayes says.

"Let me grab my swimsuit." She says.

We wait until she closes the door to change.

Bluebell's POV

I change into a black bikini and throw the sweatshirt back on.

"Come on out Bell!" Nash shouts.

I open the door. All the guys are in our room.

"Ready?" Johnson asks.

"I need my phone." I say walking over to where I set it.

"Now are you ready?" Gilinsky asks.

I nod.

"Pool here we come!" Aaron yells.

Someone picks me up and throws me over their shoulder.

"Who is this?!" I scream.

"Chill, it is Sam." Gray says running past.

I calm down.

"Sam, put me down please." I say.

"Nope." He says continuing to walk to the elevator.

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