Cameron's Thoughts

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Cameron's POV

I walk up to the orphanage. I came to a different orphanage every year. The kids loved it when I visit.

"Hello you must be Cameron, I'm Miss. Daisy." A lady says opening the door.

I nod.

"So, here is a list of kids, who would you like to see first." Miss. Daisy says.

I scan the sheet. Hmmm all girls. Wait this girl hasn't slept for awhile.

"Um this one." I say pointing to the name. Bluebell, pretty name.

"Uh are you sure... She hasn't slept in days. She might be scared of you." She says.

"I'm sure." I say confidently.

She nods and motions me to follow her.

We walk up some stairs and around a corner.

"Here is her room. Now, she might freak out. Her only experience with a guy was bad. So be nice." Miss. Daisy says opening the door.

"Bluebell. You have a visitor." Miss. Daisy says sweetly.

"Okay?" Bluebell says confused she looks at me.

"Hey. I'm Cameron Dallas." I say.

"Why are you here?" Bluebell asks backing away.

"I dunno." I say pulling a chair up next to her.

"Don't hurt me." She whispers.

I look at her shocked.

"I would never hurt you." I say looking into her eyes.

"Then why are you here?" She says curling into a ball.

"To be your friend!" I say.

She looks at me shocked.

"What?" she asks confused.

"I want to be your friend." I repeat.

"Come here." I say.

She looks at me.

She moves closer to me.

I wrap my arms around her.

She hesitates but wraps her arms around my neck.

"See?" I say smiling.

She nods smiling.

"So tell me about yourself." I say smiling.

"My name is Bluebell. I'm 15, I was adopted by Emily and Pete. Pete abused me. Emily died because of cancer. I was there 3 weeks. I've been here my whole life except for those weeks. I play guitar and I long board." Bluebell says.

"Wait. You were abused?" I ask concerned.

She nods.

"Miss. Daisy said you haven't slept much." I say.

She nods yawning.

"I'm too scared to sleep." She says.

"I know what would help." I say.

"What's that?" She asks.

"Cuddling." I say.

"With who?" She asks laughing a little.

"Me!" I exclaim.

She giggles and nods.

"I can?" I ask.

She nods again.

I kick my shoes off. I climb in bed with her. I gently wrap my arms around her and pulls her on top of me.

She giggles.

"Go to sleep. You're tired." I say.

"Blue?" I say slowly.

"Hmm?" She mumbles.

I look down at her. Her hands are on my shoulders. Wait what is on her wrist?

"What did you do to your wrists?" I ask.

She snuggles her head into my shoulder.

"Bluebell." I say.

"I did it." She says crying.

"Shhh. I'm not mad. Please don't do it anymore." I say rubbing her back.

She nods.

"Now go to sleep." I say.

I continue to rub circle on her back.

I watch as Bluebell sleeps. She is so broken.

"Cameron. You've been here for 5 hours." Someone says waking me up.

My eyes flash open. Memories come flooding back. I look down at Bluebell. She is so beautiful.

"You need to leave now." Miss. Daisy says.

"Just a second." I say. I carefully take Bluebell off of my chest and cover her with the blankets.

I grab a piece of paper and a pen.

Dear Bluebell,

Sorry I had to leave, I was here for like 5 hours. If you ever need anything call or text me.


Love Cam (Cameron Dallas)

PS your beautiful don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

I tuck the paper in a note book and leave.

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