So many Emotions

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Bluebell's POV

I slowly open my eyes. Where is Cameron? He left... Why did he leave? I never got to say goodbye to him. Just like Emily.

"Bluebell! Time for breakfast!" Miss. Daisy yells.

I get up and put on some neon pink skinny jeans and a black long sleeve shirt and a white scarf. I slip on some flip-flops.

I walk down stairs.

"Good morning Bell how did you sleep?" Miss. Daisy says giving me a plate.

"Good. Thank you." I say.

I start to walk away.

"Where did Cameron go?" I ask.

"He was here for 5 hours dear. He needed to go home." Miss. Daisy says.

I nod.

I quickly eat my food and go back up to my room.

I pull my guitar out and start playing.

My days here are boring. Nobody comes to visit Cameron was the only person to visit.

5 weeks later...

Nash's POV

"Mom! Why do I need to share a room with Hayes?!" I shout as I carry my stuff to his room.

"Everyone! Family meeting!!" My mom shouts.

So this morning my mom told me and Hayes that we need to share a room. Hayes's room being bigger, I had to move into his.

I walk down stairs and sit at the table.

"Soo you all are probably wondering why those two need to share a room." Mom says.

Hayes, Sky, Will and I nod.

"I'm adopting a 15 year old girl." Mom says turning to wash the dishes.

"What?!" Will, Hayes and I shout.

"Yaayy! I've always wanted a sister to play horses with!" Sky screams running to her room.

"Mom! You have to be joking!" I say.

"I'm not! Go and move your stuff we are picking her up tomorrow." Mom says.

Hayes and I walk back upstairs.

"Well look at it this way, another person to film with. " Hayes says.

I nod.

We continue to move my stuff.

The next day...

"Nash! Wake up!" Sky says jumping on me.

"What do you want princess?" I say hugging her.

"Sister is coming today!" Sky says smiling.

"Let's get dressed then!" I say.

Sky jumps off my bed and runs to her room.

I get up and put on some basketball shorts and a cut off.

"Hayes get up." I say shoving a pillow in his face.

He groans.

"New sister is coming today!" I say loudly.

Hayes sits up.

"Were home!" Mom yells. We all run downstairs.

Standing next to my mom is a short blonde girl.

"Is she really 15?" Hayes whispers to me.

I shrug.

"Come say hello!" Mom says.

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