Part 25

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Ethan's POV

{So I realized I had Aaron and Bryant in here earlier, let's just pretend they had like a 2 day long photoshoot. Now they are back and know what happened and everything okay? Sorry!!!}

"Wake up Ethan!" Gray says pouncing on me.

"Why?" I mumble.

"We're going to visit Blue." Gray says.

I sit up, knocking Gray off the bed.

"Wow that was easy." Gray says getting up and leaving.

I grab some clothes and run to the bathroom to shower.

"I'm ready!" I shout.

"Okay let's go." Nash says throwing the keys to Cam.

We arrive at the hospital and tell the front desk lady where we're going.

"Is she sleeping?" Nash says looking through the window.

"Nope she just smiled at you dumb ass." Gilinsky says.

"Oh." Nash says opening the door.

"Hey guys!" Bluebell says.

"How are you feeling?" Sam asks.

"A little better, still on drugs but yeah." Bluebell says.

"We posted a video about what happened." Hayes says.

"Oh really? What did the fans say?" Bluebell asks.

"The #PrayForBelly is trending." Aaron says showing Bell.

She smiles.

"Get my phone. Eth take over my snapchat." Bell says.

"Wow your phone is fine!" Gray says.

"It was in my purse which I had dropped, I was going back for it and that's when I got hit." Bell says.

We nod.

"Okay passcode is what?" I say changing the subject.

Bluebell motions for me to come close to her.

"It's 5-5-7-1." She whispers in my ear.

I nod and type it in.

I go to the snapchat app.

"Ready everyone?" I say.

"Oh yes!" Sam says.

"Hey everyone! I'm taking over Bell's snapchat for a while!" I say. Then I turn the camera to face Bell. She smiles and waves.

I post it on her story and start to film again.

"She's doing well and all the guys are holding up." I say showing all the guys in the tiny hospital room. Then post it.

"Selfie!" Cam shouts.

Everyone looks and I snap a picture. I save it and post it on snapchat.

"I'm hungry." Bell says.

"Soup sound good?" Johnson asks.

She nods.

"I'll go get you some good soup then!" Johnson says running off.

"Oh hi boys!" The doctor says walking in.

"Hiya Doc." Sam says.

"Want to take her on a walk around the building?" He says grabbing a wheel chair.

"Sure!" I say standing up.

"Okay let's get the chair over by the bed. Bluebell if anything hurts tell us." The doctor says.

She nods.

"Ethan right?" The doctor asks.

I nod.

"Come over here and carefully pick up Bluebell. Then set her in the chair." The doctor says.

I nod.

I put my arm under her knees and my other arm around her shoulders.

"You good?" I whisper to Bell.

"Yeah." She breathes out.

I set her in the wheelchair.

"Good!" The doctor says.

"Can I have a blanket to cover my legs, I'm kind of cold." Bell says shivering.

"Oh yes!" The doctor hands me a blanket that I lay on her lap.

"Okay wander around for a while, we will have the room clean when you get back!" The doctor says holding the door.

The guys all follow me and Bell.

"A blue cast eh?" Aaron says.

"Cuz BLUEbell." Gray says.

Bluebell nods.

"I got soup!" Johnson yells sprinting towards us.

"Thank you Johnson!" Blue says taking the soup from him.

"It's chicken noodle, because everyone loves chicken noodle soup." Johnson says.

"Guys we have a show today..." Cam says.

"In 2 hours." Cam finishes. 

"Shit!" Gilinsky says.

"We gotta be there in 20 minutes." Bryant says.

"Go guys, don't disappoint your fans." Bluebell says.

"But we like just got here." I say.

"I'm not gunna die, GO!" Bluebell says.

"But take me back to my room first please." She says smiling.

"I'll take her back, you guys get the car ready." I say.

"Okay bye Blue! See ya soon!" Nash says kissing her forehead.

One by one the guys kiss her head.

They leave to go to the car.

"To my room!" Bluebell says pointing her arm.

"Okay princess." I say walking back to her room.

We talk about the show until we get back to her room.

"Can you put me back on the bed?" She asks.

"Yeah definitely." I say pulling the blankets back.

Blue throws the blanket off her legs.

"Ready?" I say.

"Yep." She says.

I put my arm under her knees and arm behind her upper back. I lift her carefully to her bed.

"Thank you Ethan." She says kissing my cheek.

"Anything for my princess." I say.

We are literally an inch apart.

I slowly place my lips on hers. She smiles into the kiss and runs her fingers through my hair.

I pull away.

"Bluebell I love you." I say.

"And Ethan I love you." Bluebell says pecking my lips.

"I gotta get going. Be back soon." I say kissing her forehead.

"Bye Ethan." Bluebell says waving.

I wave and close the door.

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