Part 12

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Everyone goes their own way to change into our swimming suits.

I pick out a black and white bikini. I throw a cut off shirt over top. I grab my phone and earbuds and make my way down stairs.

"Heyy Bloo." Grayson says. (Buh-loo)

I laugh.

"Hi Gray" I say smiling.

"Let's go outside!" He says opening the sliding glass door.

I nod.

"Sissy! Help me put on sunscreen. Pullllezzeee!"Sky says holding out a bottle.

"Okay! Let's go outside so I don't make a mess." I say grabbing her hand.

Cam, Nash , Hayes and Ethan follow us out.

"Put sunscreen on!" Mom yells.

"I don't need any!" Nash and Cam yell back.

I spray on some tanning lotion. Gray and Ethan spray on some of the normal stuff and Hayes uses Skye's.

"Hayes help me put these on!" Sky says holding up two arm floaties.

Hayes nods and helps.

"I'm just going to tan." I say laying a towel on a chair.

"Okay!" Nash says.

"Let's get in!" Cam yells.

He pulls off his shirt in one motion.

Wow he's ripped, good thing you can't see my eyes. Thank you sunglasses.

He jumps in.

Nash and Hayes throw their shirts off. Eh they're my brothers, no comment.

Grayson, instead of taking his shirt off, picks up Ethan.

"Gray! Don't you dare!" Ethan shouts.

Gray smirks and throws Ethan in the pool.

Ethan pops up out of the water.

His white shirt clings to his abs.

He hops out of the pool and walks my way.

"You should come in the pool, the water is great." He say sitting on the ground next to me.

I sit up.

"I don't know..." I say slowly.

"Pleaseeee!" Ethan says giving me puppy dog eyes.

"Oh fine." I say taking my sunglasses off.

"Yay!!!!" Ethan says jumping up.

I roll my eyes.

Ethan attempts to pull his shirt off.

"I'm stuck." He says.

I laugh. He is currently tangled in a wet t shirt.

I grab his shirt and pull it over his head.

He looks down and blushes.

"Thanks." He mumbles.

He turns and jumps in.

"Watch me!!" Sky yells from the diving board.

She jumps in making a small splash compared to the boys.

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