Part 22

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3rd Person POV

Bluebell was quickly placed in the ambulance. They wouldn't let anyone ride with. As soon as the ambulance was out of sight Nash breaks down. Johnson walks over to the motionless long board. It was untouched by the car. He picks it up and tucks it under his arm. The police are talking to Cam and Sam. Hayes is talking to his mom. She drops the phone, Skylynn is left in the dark about everything going on. Ethan is still sitting where he was before Bluebell was taken. Gray is trying to calm Nash down but he himself is struggling. Gilinsky is standing with Cam and Sam, listening. Bluebell is arriving at the hospital. Still in darkness.

Gilinsky's POV

The police are still investigating and taping the area off.

"You boys can leave now." The chief says.

I nod.

"I'll drive to the hospital." I say.

"Good idea." Sam mumbles.

"Someone get Ethan." Cam says.

Ethan is still sitting in the same spot. The police need him to leave.

Gray walks over and puts his hand on Ethan's shoulder. He says a few words and Ethan gets up. They walk over to our little group.

"Let's go." I say.

We all trudge back to the car and pile in the car.

We sit in silence all the way to the hospital.

I park the car.

"Guys." I say slowly.

They all look up with bloodshot eyes.

"She's strong." I say, voice cracking.

They all nod, starting to cry again.

We all pile out and walk to the front desk.

"Bluebell?" The receptionist asks.

"Yeah..." Cam says.

"Room 372, only family. Who are the family?" She asks.

"Nash and Hayes Grier." I say pointing to them.

"Ummmm, they aren't on the list." She says slowly.

"She was adopted by their family a few weeks ago." Johnson says.

"This was updated yesterday. It has her birth certificate here and the names on it are the only people allowed in right now." She says.

"She never knew her birth family." Nash says.

"Wilkinson. Is the last name." She says.

"What?" Sam says.

"Wilkinson, Dave, Lori. And 4 siblings, Ben, Emily, Annie and Sam." She says.

"No fucking way." Sam says.

"Excuse me." The lady says.

Sam pulls out his wallet and shows the lady his ID.

"You can go in then." She says.

"Guys I'll let you know what they tell me." Sam says.

Nash nods.

Sam runs off to Bluebell's room.

"What the heck just happened?" Johnson says.

"I don't know..." Hayes says sitting in the waiting room.

Sam's POV

Once I'm out of the guy's sight, I slow down and call my mom.

"Hello?" M

"Hey, Mom do I have another sister?" S

"...yes. We put Bluebell, which is her name, in an orphanage. Why?" M

"She's in the hospital and it's a long story but I'm here to not hurt but she got hit by a car and was adopted by the Grier's." S

"I'll be there as soon as I can." M

And she hangs up.

I come to room 372.

The doctor sees me.

"Sam?" He asks.

"Yeah that's me." I say.

"Well she's doing pretty well. She has a concussion and broken leg and a few ribs. She also has a gash on her back, it appears to be from a knife." The doctor says.

"A knife? What?!" I say confused.

"Yes, it was a hit and run, she might have been targeted." The doctor says.

I nod.

"She's not conscious right now, but you can go in and see her." The doctor says opening the door for me.

I nod.

"If you need anything I'll be out here." He says.

I quickly text Gilinsky what's going on with Blue. He seemed the sanest.

I sit in a chair next to the bed Bluebell is laying in.

"Hey Belly. Apparently you're my little sister. Like real, not adopted, real." I say.

"Hmmm?" She mumbles.

"Blue!" I say hoping she wakes up.

"Sammy?" She say slowly opening her eyes.

"Blue!" I say grabbing her hand gently.

"It hurts." She says closing her eyes tightly.

"I know I know. I'll get a doctor." I say going to the door.

I open it.

The doctor looks up.

"She's awake." I say.

"Is she hurting?" He asks coming in.

"Yeah." I say.

"Hey Bluebell, it's good to see you awake. Tell me where it hurts." The doctor says.

"To breathe." She says.

"You broke a few ribs, I'll get you some medication." The doctor says nodding.

"I'll be right back." He says leaving.

"What you said... is it true?" Blue says.

"Yeah." I say. "Mom is on her way."

"Why?" She asks.

"I don't know Belly. Let's not worry about it right now." I say.

She nods.

"Okay I got the pain meds." The doctor says.

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