Part 27

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"Can we leave now?" Sam whines.

"Pleaaaase!" I say.

"Okay." Cam says laughing.

"Yeah!!!" Nash says as we jump around like excited 3 year olds.

"Guy we gotta get her something. The fans have sent her so much, we've got her nothing." Gilinsky says.

"Flowers!" Hayes says.

"Yes!" I agree.

"Good I already got some." Hayes says pulling out a beautiful bouquet out of nowhere.

"Ok lets go!" Cam says running towards the car.

We all sprint after him, excited to get Bluebell out of the hospital.

Bluebell's POV

"Your friends will be here soon." The nurse says opening the door.

I smile.

"We got to get you all cleaned up." The nurse says turning on the tub.

I nod.

"Your mother dropped off this dress and some underwear for you to wear." The nurse says showing me.

I nod again smiling. Mother...

The nurse helps me get cleaned up.

"You have beautiful hair." She says combing through it.

"Thank you." I say.

Knock knock knock knock

"I'm gunna guess they are here." She says.

I smile.

"They can help you into the wheelchair." She says walking to the door.

She opens the door.

"Bluebell!!!" They scream running towards me.

"Careful boys!" The nurse says.

"Sorry." They say together.

"She needs to be careful, her ribs are still healing and her leg needs time to heal. She will need checkups for her back." The nurse says.

The boys all nod.

"Sam here are her pain killers. If she has any pain she can take one." The nurse says leaving.

"Okay thanks!" Sam says.

"Let's get outta here." I say, "Put me in the wheelchair please."

Sam carefully picks me up and places me in the wheelchair.

"Good?" Sam asks.

"Perfect." I say smiling.

"Someone is happy." Cam says.

"I had very few severe injuries after getting hit by a car. I have all you wonderful people in my life. I know who my real family is." I say.

"You are so positive." Nash says.

I smile knowing everyone in this room loves me and they will never do anything to hurt me.

"What are you thinking Bell?" Hayes asks.

"That I know you guys love me, and will never leave me." I say.

"Awwwwww." Gilinksy says.

"Group hug." Johnson says.

The guys come over and me sit there hugging for the longest of time.

"Let's get out of this shit hole." Sam says pushing the wheelchair out the door.

"Agreed." I say laughing knowing everything will be okay. 

We manage to get back to the hotel in one piece.

"Guys let's watch a movie!" Gray says.

"Blue what movie?" Cam asks wheeling me to the TV room.

"Umm how bout Harry Potter marathon?" I suggest.

"YES!" Sam says getting everything ready.

"Can you move me to the couch, Ethan?" I say.

Ethan nods and picks me up carefully. Then sets me on the couch.

"I'm sitting next to Bluebell!" Ethan shouts.

"Need anything to drink?" He asks me.

"Um just water please." I say.

"I'll be right back, babe." Ethan says.

I smile.

The boys all find places to sit.

 I'm on the left side on the couch, Ethan to my right, and Hayes to Ethan's right. Sam sitting in front of me, Gray in front of Ethan and Johnson in front of Hayes. Gilinsky laying on the floor in front of all of us. Nash sitting in a chair to my left. Aaron and Bryant in chairs to the far right.

"Guys." I say slowly.

"Yeah Blue." Nash says.

The guys all look up.

"I love you all so much." I say.


I smile.

"I love you, Belly." Ethan whispers in my ear.

"I love you too, Ethan." I whisper back.

I lean my head on his shoulder. I know everything will be okay.



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