Part 23

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Nash's POV

This is too much to take in. Bluebell's real family is the Wilkinson's. She is currently injured and I don't know how severely!

"Nash." Cam says.

"Huh?" I say.

"Sam texted Gilinsky." Hayes says.

"Sam says she has a few broken ribs, broken leg, and a..." He stops.

"A what?!" I say standing up.

"A gash in her back. Doc says from a knife. And she was possibly targeted by the driver." Gilinsky finishes.

I start pacing.

"Oh boys!" a feminine voice says.

"Mrs. Wilkinson!" Johnson says.

"Why did you put her in a fucking orphanage!?!" I shout.

Everyone is quiet.

Mrs. Wilkinson looks down.

"Why?!" I shout again.

"Nash..." Cam grabs my arm and drags me outside.

"Nash chill." Cam says pushing me onto a bench.

"She could be dying! And we can't go in and see her!" I shout.

"Don't you think the rest of us feel that?" Cam says.

"Guys, we can see her." Hayes says from the doors.

"Hey guys." Sam says smiling a little.

Bluebell gives a small smile.

"Before you guys freak. I'm okay. I'm on drugs so I don't have any pain right now." She says slowly.

"Hi." Mrs. Wilkinson says.

Sam gets up and hugs his mom.

"Mom?" Bluebell says softly.

"Yes sweetie, I can explain. 4 kids was a lot and another one... I wanted the best for you. I tried to keep in contact with the orphanage but they moved you to a different one. I wanted to get you back when you were 10 but I couldn't find you." Mrs. Wilkinson says crying.

Bluebell nods.

"She need some rest, visiting hours are over." A nurse says ushering us out.

"Nash, you need to tell your mom." Johnson.

"About Bluebell's real family?" I say.

"We all are her family." Cam says.

I nod.

"You boys are still here. You guys need some sleep, there is a hotel across the street." The front desk lady says.

"We are in a different hotel." Gilinsky says.

She nods, smiles and leaves.

"We probably should get some sleep." Gray says.

"Guys let's go." Johnson says.

Ethan hasn't said anything.

"Eth you okay?" Gray says.

Ethan shakes his head.

"Let's get some food and sleep." Gray says grabbing Ethan's arm.

Ethan kind of just floats with. He doesn't give resistance but it's obvious he doesn't want to leave. He has no strength to argue.

"Come on Nash and Hayes." Cam says.

I get up.

"Come on Hayes." I say.

"He's sleeping." Johnson says.

Cam throws Hayes over his shoulder.

"Let's go." Cam mumbles.

We all pile into the car and ride in silence to our hotel.

Cam nudges Hayes and he wakes up. 

"What time is it?" Hayes asks.

"7:48." Cam says.

Hayes nods.

"Guys, what will we tell the fans?" Sam says.

"Let's make a video?" Cam says.

"Yeah." I say grabbing my camera.

We set up the cameras and lights. Cam, the jacks and Sam sit on the bed. Ethan, Gray, Hayes and I sat on the floor.

"Hey guys, so yeah, Bluebell." Johnson says.

"This morning we went out shopping, got chased by fans and the normal stuff. Johnson and Sam got her a long board, her old one broke. She tried it out at the boardwalk. We didn't see it happen but a car..." Hayes says stopping.

"A car hit her. It was a hit and run." Sam finishes. Ethan gets up and leaves. Gray mouths to me that he was crying.

"Right now she is in the hospital. She has a few broken ribs, broken leg, a concussion and a cut on her back. Also a few scrapes and bruises." Gilinsky says.

"We also found her birth family." Cam says.

"Sam actually has 4 siblings." Johnson says.

"But we are all her family." Cam says.

"We probably won't be posting as much for a while. Pray for Belly." Hayes says wiping his eyes.

"We love you guys! And yeah pray for Belly." Sam says and we finish the video.

"Let's quickly edit and post them." Johnson says.

We all nod.

"Where'd Ethan go?" Cam says.

"Oh shit." Gray says looking at his phone.

"What?" I say.

"Ethan." Gray says answering his phone.

Gray's eyes start to water.

"Then where is Ethan?" He says.


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