Part 13

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Bluebell's POV

Cam left after we talked about random things.

I better go downstairs.

I slowly make my way down stairs to the living room.

"BLOO!!!!" Grayson screams running towards me.

"Hi?" I say confused.

He wraps his arms around my waist hugging me and picking me up.

"Gray put her down." Ethan says walking over.

Gray sets me on the floor carefully.

"How are you feeling?" Ethan says hugging me gently.

"I'm okay." I say hugging him back.

He lets go of me and nods.

"Let's play Mario Kart!" Hayes says holding up a controller.

"Toss me a steering wheel!" I say.

Nash throws a steering wheel and I catch it.

"Wow you can catch!" Gray says smirking.

"Oh shush!" I say pushing him off the couch.

I sit in his spot.

"Blooooooo!" Grayson whines.

"Oh stop acting like a baby." I say.

He pouts and sits on the floor in front of me.

Ethan sits next to him, Cam sits on the opposite side of the couch, Nash sits next to me and Hayes sits in front of Cam.

Only Nash, Cam and I are playing right now. We are on teams, every game we switch with the person in front of us. So I switch with Gray.

"Ready?" Nash says.

"Yes!" Cam and I scream.

"Okay!" He presses the button.

Let's just say Grayson is really bad, but I'm amazing so we still won.

"How did you win? Girls always suck at driving." Hayes says.

"Well first off, Gray sucks, and it's easy." I say smirking.

"Hey!" Gray shouts.

"Dude you lost or got 11th every time you drove." Nash says.

"Oh yeah..." Gray says.

We all laugh.

"How have the fans reacted to you guys having an adopted sister?" Ethan asks slowly.

"Um mostly all love her. I haven't looked at comments much recently." Nash says.

"I have, they want another video!" Hayes says.

"Well Gray, Cam and I are doing a few meet and greets. We wanted to know if you 3 would like to join us." Ethan says.

"Let's ask mom." Hayes says sprinting off.

"Are you okay with this?" Nash says standing right in front of me.

"I think so, you and Hayes will be there so I think I'll be okay." I say looking up in his eyes.

"Okay." Nash says hugging me.

I hug him back.

"Awwww." Gray says. "And on snapchat!"

Nash and I quit hugging.

"Seriously?" I say smiling.

"They are screenshotting like crazy!" Gray says showing me.

I laugh.

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