Chapter 1

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"Aimee? Is that you?" I heard a female voice call through the darkness.

I turned to see a woman walking towards me as I sat on the cold, hard ground under a bridge. My mind raced as I vaguely recognized the woman, but I couldn't place her. She was clearly someone I should know. As she grew closer to me, I frantically tried to remember, trying to figure out where I knew this woman from. I stared at her blankly.

"You don't remember me, do you? I have changed a little... Liz from juvie. We shared a room together. It's only been what? Almost three years?"

"Holy shit. I knew I should know you, i just couldn't place you. How have you been?"

"Getting back on my feet. Did my time, and now trying to figure things out. What about you?"

"Just trying to survive, I guess."

"Where are you staying? We need to get together and hang out."

"Well, you're looking at my home. I haven't been able to get a job and with no help or family, I've been living on the streets."

"Oh, hell no. Come stay with me. I've been living with some friends, but I've got a room for myself, so you can bunk up with me. It'll be like old times."

"Well, I don't know. I mean, if you are really sure it'll be cool..."

"I'll deal with my friends. Come home with me. You can't stay out here. I can't leave you out here to fend for yourself."

Liz started gathering my few belongings. I climbed to my feet and helped her, then followed her down the sidewalk. We walked a few blocks before reaching a large tan, two-story house.

I followed her into the house, which was filled with chaos. Cigarette smoke poured out of the house as soon as I walked in behind Liz. I could hear a TV or radio blaring somewhere nearby. Coming from the opposite direction, voices floated through the house as people talked and laughed. As we wandered deeper into the house, the faint sound of music was barely noticeable from somewhere nearby, perhaps in the house. Liz ignored everyone and headed down to the basement.

Liz turned off from the main hallway and headed down a steep, dark stairway. At the bottom of the stairs, there was a dark room straight ahead, and a door to the right. The door hid a large room, which we entered. There was a queen sized bed pushed up against a wall in the opposite corner, a small TV, and a dresser. The furniture didn't fill the abundance of space, which left the room feeling empty and cold. I put my stuff down.

"Mind if I take a shower? I kinda need one."

"Of course. I share a bathroom down here with one other person. Use whatever you'd like. Make yourself at home."

The shower felt amazing. I scrubbed my skin so hard it was almost raw, trying to get all the dirt off me. I hadn't had a hot shower in about three months. Liz was lying on the bed, watching TV, when I returned to her room.

"Feel better?" She asked, looking up at me.

"Yes, a million times better. So should I sleep on the floor or...?" I said.

"Well, you can have the bed, but it's up to you if you want me to sleep on the floor or not."

"Yeah, I guess I'd be cool with you sharing the bed with me. I mean, it is your bed, after all."

My body tensed as I realized I was lying closer to her than I thought would be appropriate once I had settled into the bed. I pushed my discomfort and uncertainty to the side and slipped under the covers. The icy wall felt good against my back as i pressed myself against it to put some space between Liz and me.

Deceptions of the Heart (Prequel for Trials. GxG, 18+)Where stories live. Discover now