Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

July 1st, we signed the lease for the apartment and got the keys to our very own place. We waited to buy anything for the apartment until after we moved in, just in case it fell through. Scott and Marissa even helped us move our stuff over to the apartment. I couldn't have been more thankful to them for all of their help over the past year.

It took about a week for us to get settled in and for our furniture to be delivered. We were careful not to buy anything super expensive. It forced us to sleep on the floor in the bedroom for the first several nights. The delivery of our bed had gotten mixed up and went to someone else instead of to us. It was kind of romantic, though, to sleep on the floor in our new place.

Liz's dad was the first person to come visit. He showed up with a car full of stuff ranging from a new TV to a high-tech coffee pot.

"Dad, why did you get us all of this stuff?"

"I can tell you are serious about being on your own and you two are serious about each other, since you are still together. It's been, what, about eight months?"

"Yeah, almost nine now."

"For you, that's a tremendous deal. I'm happy that you found someone to be happy with. Your mom still isn't taking your relationship seriously, but I think it's because she secretly hopes you aren't gay. She'll get over it though, I'm sure."

I sat on the couch and listened as Liz, and her dad talked. I didn't realize her mom was so resistant to her being gay. Mr. Mason helped us hook everything up, then made sure we had everything we needed before leaving. He had spent most of the day with us.

Marissa and Scott came by a few times to hang out, too. Most of the time, though, we were out at the clubs drinking and dancing.

We could finally step back from the long hours at our jobs and spend some much needed time together. On my birthday, Liz brought me out to dinner and then we went home. We curled up to watch a movie on TV. As we laid together on the couch, Liz pulled me close and started kissing my neck. It covered my body in goosebumps. I turned and laid on my back before pulling Liz's face to mine.

"I need to show my baby girl some love tonight." Liz said softly before kissing me.

I wanted her too, but I still debated if I was ready. This was a big step in our relationship, but we had been together for almost a year. Clearly, she didn't want me just for the sex like she had with so many other women before me. She wanted me for me.

I worked my hands down her body as she straddled me. As I reached the bottom of her shirt, I slowly worked my way under the fabric and lightly brushed my fingertips against her soft skin. Liz stared down at me with surprise. She yanked her shirt over her head, then tossed it on the ground. She leaned down and kissed me with more passion than she ever had before.

"We need to move this to the bedroom." She said as she climbed off me and onto her feet.

I followed her into the bedroom. In under a minute we were both undressed, in bed and making out. My body shook nervously as Liz worked her way down. She quickly approached my spot, stopping briefly to tease me by running her fingers against me, then continued down until she was inside of me. I moaned out as her fingers massaged various spots. A few short moments later, she found the perfect combination, and I was fighting back an orgasm. Liz gave me a glaring look for a second, then worked faster. She knew I was fighting it. Finally, I lost control and my body surrendered to her.

"I'm gonna start small with you for now. I don't want you to know all my tricks and skills just yet." Liz said, now smiling at me as she laid next to me.

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