Chapter 17

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We got home after my shift. Liz seemed to be in a bad mood. She went straight for a beer. By the time I had cooked dinner and cleaned up, she had already downed eight of them. I expected a fight tonight. We curled up on the couch and Liz barely paid any attention to me, even after I started to caress and kiss her.

"Baby? Whats wrong? Did I do something?" I asked, nervous for her answer.

"No. Just stressed out. I need money."

"For what?"

"Don't worry about it."

"Baby, you can tell me." I said, finishing my beer.

"I need money to get more stuff from Eric. I'm getting to the point that I need it." Liz said, glancing down at me. "Baby girl, can you loan me a few bucks? I just need $50.00 to get some pills from him."

"I can on payday. But I don't have much left after bills."

"Give me what you have left."

"I don't have $50.00. I only have around $18.00."

"What the hell, Aimee?" Liz said. She now gripped my arms tightly. "Figure out a way to get me some fucking money, then damn it."

"I can't."

"Ask Marissa or someone. Just say that you need money for gas or something."

"I'm not gonna lie to her!"

"Just fucking do it." Liz said, standing then getting my phone off the charger in the kitchen.


"Fine, I'll do it for you." Liz said, then began clicking a text into my phone.

I pushed Liz back and yanked my phone out of her hands before she could hit send. As I looked up, Liz's hand met my face. She backhanded me across the face then kneed me in the stomach, making me drop to the floor.

"Don't fucking tell me no! And don't take shit from me!" she yelled.

I pulled myself back up onto the couch. Liz pushed me back down on the ground, then kicked me a few more times anywhere she could make contact with. She continued to kick, punch and smack me for another five minutes. She leaned down and gripped my jaw in her hand.

"You know, the only reason I keep your fucking ass around is because you are an easy fucking lay. Other than that, you are just a worthless bitch."

I looked up at Liz as tears rolled down my face. "Baby..."

"Yeah, yeah, I know you love me. Whatever. Get the fuck away from me."

I moved into the bedroom and closed the door. A few minutes later, Liz locked the door. I was happy she didn't sleep with me. I'd be too scared to sleep tonight. Her words still rang out in my ears. I was just an easy lay and was worthless. Maybe that's why no one wanted me when I was in foster care. I was worthless.

The next six months brought more fights and beatings. The beatings were getting worse. We had fights about anything and everything. Fights about sex, her pills, money, me not making her a priority in my life, and whatever else she felt like fighting about with me. I got to the point that if she had over ten beers; I knew I was going to get smacked around.

I thought about trying to leave a few times, but I knew better than that. She'd just make my life a living hell. And where would I go? I had almost $1000.00 saved up now, but that wasn't enough for a deposit on an apartment. I'd also have to pay for utilities, buy some furniture and supplies for myself. I was hoping to save at least $3000.00 before I moved out, but I didn't know if I could last that long.

Deceptions of the Heart (Prequel for Trials. GxG, 18+)Where stories live. Discover now