Chapter 14

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I tumbled off the couch, startling myself awake. My face hurt, and I couldn't figure out why. Looking at the mirror in the bathroom, clips from the night before flashed through my mind. I had made out with Derek, then had sex with Liz, then she had punched me in the face. The realization that I was in the one type of relationship I swore I'd never let myself be in... the realization that the alcohol was making Liz abusive was hard for me to accept. I returned to the couch and curled up in as tight of a ball as I could. I tried not to think, but all that went through my mind was Liz hitting me. Minutes later, my face was drenched with tears as they raced down my face and onto the couch. I cried myself back to sleep until I felt movement on the couch.

I opened my eyes and glanced up to see Liz. She reached for me, and I recoiled from her with fear.

"Oh baby. No. please no. I'm so sorry. I can't express how sorry I am. I didn't mean to hit you. I just... I was so mad last night and I wasn't thinking straight. Please, come here, let me hold you. Please, baby girl. I love you."

I didn't move for a moment until I saw a tear run down Liz's face. Maybe it had honestly been a mistake, and she knew that now. I slowly shifted and curled up against Liz, who wrapped her arms around me tightly. She leaned down and kissed my head.

"I'm so sorry, baby. What can I do to make it up to you?"

I shook my head and shrugged. I honestly didn't know what she could do to make it up to me.

The next day at work, Rick glanced at me, then pulled me into his office.

"Aimee, is everything okay?"

"Yeah, why?"

Well, your performance and productivity have decreased. You come in here exhausted every day. And now you have a giant bruise on your face. Is everything okay at home?"

"Yeah, everything's fine. The bruise was nothing, just fell out of bed and hit my face on the bed frame." I lied.

Rick eyed me closely. He knew I was lying. I didn't dare tell him the truth. Maybe it was because I felt like if I told someone, it would become more real.

The week was awkward. I was nervous around Liz, especially when she was drinking. I kept my distance and didn't say much to her. Most nights I slept on the couch, which seemed to bother Liz. She didn't say anything to me about it, but she would hesitate every night before going to the bedroom.

I walked into the apartment to find Liz waiting for me in the bedroom. She reached for me and I hesitantly moved toward her. She pulled me close and kissed me.

"Will you please start sleeping in here with me again? I miss you. I feel like we aren't together anymore. We're just two people that live together."

"You want sex Liz. And I'm not ready for that yet. I mean, you say you love me, but you hit me."

"No, it isn't just about the sex. I miss it, yes... but I want my baby girl back."

That night, I nervously went into the bedroom. I laid as far from Liz as I could. She eventually pulled me against her and we fell asleep. I was surprised by the lack of interest in sex. I thought for sure she was going to try to have sex with me.

It was two weeks before she hinted that she wanted sex. I was slow to react to her advances, but I finally gave in. I allowed her to undress me and work her way down my body. She worked a finger inside of me before her tongue found my clit. Her every move was deliberate and sensual, which I wasn't used to. Liz was normally rough during sex. I pressed my head back hard into the couch and enjoyed every little movement she made. My orgasm started building until I couldn't take it anymore. I moaned out as I hit my point of release and pulled Liz into my arms. She kissed my lips softly.

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