Chapter 13

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My phone woke me the next morning. It was Liz again, begging me to get her out.

"How much is the bail?"


"Geez Liz. I don't have that kind of money. I have, like, $400.00 saved up, that's it."

"Call my mom. Please."

I got off the phone and reluctantly punched in the phone number for Mrs. Mason.


"Hi Mrs. Mason, this is Aimee, Liz's girlfriend."

"Well, hi! How are you?"

"Well, honestly, not too great. Um....ugh. I don't know how to ask you, but I need help. Well, Liz needs help. She is in jail with a DWI. She wants help with bail, but all I have is $400.00. I can come up with a little more if I clear my account out completely, but that's it."

"How much is the bail?"


"Damn her. Did she hurt anyone?"

"Not that I know of."

"That's a relief. Well, tell you what. I like you Aimee. I will pay the whole bail, but please don't tell her I helped. I don't want her thinking she can run to me for everything."

"Thank you so much, Mrs. Mason. I really appreciate it."

"I'm only doing it for you and because you asked. Come on over whenever you can and get the money. I have to run some errands, but Derek will be around. Take care."

I got dressed and headed over to meet Derek at their house. He opened the door and flashed a smile at me.

"Hey how's it going?" He asked as he held the door open. "You look nice today."

"Thank you. And I'm okay, I guess. Wish I wasn't having to deal with Liz's bullshit right now, but oh well."

"Tried to warn you she is trouble."

"Yeah I know."

"My mom got $2,000.00 out and said you can keep the extra, in case you need it for anything." He said as he grabbed the money from the kitchen then returned to the entryway. "You know, if you ever need anything or need to talk, you can always call or text me."

"I appreciate it. I've been feeling pretty lonely lately."

"Well, I'm here if you ever need me. Just try to hang in there." He said as he pulled me close and hugged me tightly. "I'm serious, though. Text or call me if you need anything. And if you ever decide to leave Liz and wanna switch teams... you know where to find me because my offer still stands. You deserve so much better than that stupid lizard faced bitch."

I stood awkwardly in Derek's arms, but it felt nice to have someone seem to genuinely care about me. Part of me didn't want to leave the safety of his arms. The hug lasted a lot longer than it should have, and as I pulled away, he brushed his hand against my lower back, then my ass. I smiled back at him, then bit my bottom lip as I walked out of the house.

I posted the bail for Liz, then sat out in my car smoking, waiting for them to release her. Liz was ecstatic to see me once they released her. She dropped into the car beside me and grinned, then leaned over to kiss me, but I pulled away.

"If you hadn't been out fucking around with yet another woman, this wouldn't have happened." I mumbled. "You need to figure out what to do to get this shit in order because I don't have money to help you with any of the fines or you getting to work or anything."

"I'll figure it out somehow. Don't worry, baby girl."

I rolled my eyes at her comment.

Back at the apartment, I grabbed a fresh beer, then sat on the couch to watch TV. Liz didn't grab a beer, though. I took advantage of it and drank until I was so drunk I could barely stand. For a change, I wanted her to have to take care of me. I wanted to make her see firsthand some of what she was putting me through. I could barely hold my beer by the time Liz stepped in.

Deceptions of the Heart (Prequel for Trials. GxG, 18+)Where stories live. Discover now