Chapter 11

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As October grew closer, Liz started to get distant. The alcohol slowly appeared in random places, as if Liz was trying to hide it. She went back to her old ways of being in a drunken state the majority of the time.

I came home from work to find Liz drinking on the couch. I had to confront her and figure out what was going on.

"So, are we really gonna start with the drinking again?"

"I've only had a couple of drinks." She said defensively.

"Right. That's why you reek of alcohol... Whatever. Just know I cannot stand you like this." I said, then sat down beside her and took her face in my hands. "We were doing so good and we were happy together. Please don't do this to me."

"Yeah? Well, get used to it. This is who I am. And you are my girl, so you're gonna have to learn to deal with it."

"I don't have to deal with shit. I'm not your property."

"You're my girl. End of story."

"Liz, I'm not scared to leave you."

"The hell you will. Where are you gonna go, Aimee? You have nowhere to go... you gonna go back to living under your damn bridge? You think your boss will let some homeless bitch work for him?"

"Fuck you!" I yelled, then went into the bedroom and slammed the door behind me.

Liz had a point. If I left her, I'd lose my job and would end up back on the streets. I had no choice but to stay with Liz until I could save up enough money to get a place. I barely had any money saved up because I had to pay the bills.

Later that night, Liz stumbled into bed and climbed on top of me after she had undressed. She woke me up by kissing me.

"Baby, please fuck me." She begged.

"No. I'm not in the mood."

"Please baby, I really need it. I'll take care of you afterwards?"

"No. I don't want it from you right now."

"Stop being a little bitch and fuck me."

"I said no Liz."

Liz shifted and straddled my chest. She grabbed my head and pulled me against her. I pulled away from her, but she pulled me right back against her.

"What the fuck Liz! I said no!" I growled.

"Yeah, and you also told me not to go to a fuck buddy if I wanted it. Should I do that instead? You told me to turn to you, so I am."

"Fine, but just one time. That's it."

She smiled then lifted my head back up against her. I quickly licked and sucked on her until she came. I pushed Liz off of me and rolled over onto my side.

"Baby please come on. You know I need more than that."

I didn't respond to her.

"Fine. I guess I'm calling a fuck buddy then." She said, then she grabbed her phone and disappeared out of the room.

I drifted back to sleep, but was woken by Liz and another woman moaning in the living room. It hurt to hear them going at it, but part of me didn't care. I rolled over and folded my pillow around my head, then drifted off back to sleep.

The next morning I got ready for work, then wandered into the living room to find Liz curled up with the same blonde from New Year's eve at the club. I huffed with disgust, then stormed out the door.

I ignored Liz for the next week. Three different mornings I came out to find Liz curled up naked with a different woman. I had a hard time accepting that some things would never change.

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