Chapter 6

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Mr. Mason called later that evening. Liz put the call on speakerphone so I could hear what was going on with my car.

"I looked the car over. The fuel pump is bad. I have the part now and I'm going to put it in tonight. Aimee, what time do you work tomorrow?"

"I have to go in at 10 A.M." I said.

"Okay, I should have it done by then. And don't you dare try to repay me for this because I won't accept it. You need a car for work. I'm happy to help you girls out. I'm going to get to work on the car, so. I'll let you know when ts's done."

"Love you, dad!" Liz said before he hung up.

"Love you too."

I cooked dinner since Liz was having a rough day. I stood at the stove, stirring the food as I felt Liz's hands slip under my shirt. She worked her hands up my body until they landed on my breasts. I moaned out softly as she massaged them. She worked her way down my body next, slipping a hand into my panties. I cried out as she reached for my clit and moved her fingers against me. I turned off the burner, then turned around to face Liz.

"Please fuck me." I mumbled as I buried my face in her neck to kiss her.

Liz took my hand in hers and led me to the bedroom. I tore my clothes off, dropping them to the floor, then climbed into the bed. Liz pulled me close to her and her hands roamed my body. Her touch comforting me. A wave of excitement washed over me. I wanted her more than I ever had before. She kissed her way down my body.

Liz glanced up at me. "I bet I know what you need."

She repositioned herself, and I closed my eyes for a moment. The feeling of her tongue against my clit drove me insane. I wanted her inside of me. I cried out in desperation. As if she could read my mind, she slipped a finger deep inside of me. She was rougher tonight than she had been last time, but I liked it. Three orgasms later, she collapsed next to me on the bed. I rolled over to my side and kissed her, working my tongue into her mouth.

The urge to please Liz consumed me, even though I wanted more. I didn't know what I was doing, but I had to try. I straddled her and slowly kissed my way down her body until I was positioned at the foot of the bed between her legs. She reached down and stroked my hair. I lightly ran my tongue against her spot, then worked my way lower on her, trying to get the courage up to try something new. I slipped my tongue inside of her, causing her to moan out with pleasure. A few minutes later, I moved my mouth back to her clit to suck on her. I worked up the courage to slip a finger inside of her. Liz reached down and repositioned my hand.

"Right there baby, you'll get any woman to orgasm in no time by hitting their g spot."

I slipped another finger inside of her and worked my fingers against her g spot while still sucking on her. She moaned out repeatedly before letting out a few soft screams. I felt her clench on my fingers while I was inside of her. She arched her back and clawed at my shoulders. I felt her body relax finally and heard her inhale hard.

"Get up here," she said, as she pulled me back up next to her. "That was amazing. And you've never done that before?"

"No. Never. I didn't know what I was doing."

"Well, whatever you did, keep doing it. That was one of the best orgasms I have ever had, and that's saying something. I've had a lot of orgasms and a lot of experience. You were incredible," she said, then kissed my neck.

We continued to have sex well into the night before we hit a point of exhaustion and fell asleep. I fell asleep curled up against her body.

I woke up early the next morning, still curled up against Liz. I watched her sleep and let my mind wander. I was really in love with her and could see myself having a future with her. Maybe have a couple of kids and get married, buy a house, and be happy. I wondered if she felt the same way.

Deceptions of the Heart (Prequel for Trials. GxG, 18+)Where stories live. Discover now