Chapter 7

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I set my tray of food down on the counter in the chaotic kitchen, then followed my boss into the storage room. I knew I was in trouble.

"You know you can't have visitors here! So why do you have someone here?"

"I'm sorry. I told my girlfriend she needs to leave, and I'm not sure why she's here. I'll get her to leave."

"Yeah, you will, because you are fired. Give me the keys. You're done."


"You're done. I had a few easy rules and you can't follow them."

I headed to my locker and gathered my belongings. I changed into my street clothes, then handed my uniform and keys over to my boss, then walked out into the crowd to find Liz. She was sitting outside now.

"Thanks. A lot... You just fucking got me fired. I told you to leave."

"Good, now you can stay home, so I know where you are."

"What? No, I'm getting another job!" I snapped as I walked to my car with Liz behind me.

I got into my car and tore off down the road. I wasn't ready to go home yet. Heading north, I drove for an hour until I reached a small town called Silver Bay. I stopped by a store to get something to eat. Approaching the main entrance, I spotted a help wanted sign.

I wandered through the store and grabbed a couple of snacks. At the register, I noticed the tag on the man's shirt said he was the manager.

"I saw you have a help wanted sign in the window. What shifts are open?"

"Do you have a few minutes to talk right now?"

"Sure." I said.

The manager called for another employee to take over the register. We headed to a small office at the front of the store. I took a seat in the chair next to the desk.

"I'm Rick, the manager here." He said, offering me his hand to shake.

"I'm Aimee." I said, shaking his hand.

"I am looking for a cashier right now that has flexible hours and doesn't mind having a varying schedule. If you do good, I would consider giving you a more permanent schedule. Have you ever done retail before?"

"Not really. I did some stock work, but I'm willing to learn."

"Okay, fair enough. Eagerness to learn is always good."

Rick handed me an application and instructed me to fill it out. I completed the form then handed it back to him so he could review it. He nodded his head as he read the form.

"Okay, when can you start?"

I shrugged. "Whenever you need me to, I guess."

"Oh, you live in Duluth? Tell you what, start on Monday, working Monday through Thursdays ten-hour shifts so you don't have to waste gas."

"That sounds good."

We chatted a little more about the dress code and policies, then I was on my way to a lake pull off to relax. I sat at a picnic table overlooking Lake Superior. I ate my snacks and watched the waves crash against the rocks in front of me. Something about the lake calmed me down. It was so relaxing to sit and watch the waves slam into the rocks.

I fished my phone out of my pocket and turned it on to see what time it was. My phone went crazy with voicemails and text messages, which were all from Liz. All of her messages were her freaking out and trying to find out where I was. I texted her and told her I was fine. Then powered my phone back off and returned my focus to the lake. The sun was setting. I watched the colors of the sunset change into the dark blue of the night sky. It was time for me to go home.

Deceptions of the Heart (Prequel for Trials. GxG, 18+)Where stories live. Discover now