Chapter 21

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I settled into a routine of working six to seven days a week, 10 to 12 hours a day, so I was barely home. I spent my days off sleeping. As time passed, Liz didn't contact me or try to see me. My guess was that she was in jail serving her time for the charges.

I eventually fell into a deep depression and it didn't go unnoticed. Marissa, Derek, and Rick all recognized something was different without me saying a word to them. I put on a fake smile every day and pretended I was fine even though I was screaming inside, begging for someone to save me, or help me. I needed to be rescued, to be loved by someone, but I knew it would never happen.

The weeks dragged by into months. It went from March to July in the blink of an eye.

The night of my birthday, I went to the club alone. I didn't want to be alone, so I figured I could afford to have a couple of drinks and be in a building full of people. I spent a few hours at the club, throwing back a handful of shots and two beers. I decided I was bored as no one had even so much as looked in my direction. After paying my tab, I got up and headed home. Three blocks from the house, I suddenly saw red and blue flashing lights behind me. Fuck! I screamed out in my head.

I pulled over and waited for the officer to come to the car.

"Hello officer." I said casually.

"Do you have your license and registration?"

"Yes sir, may I grab it? It's in my purse."

"Yes, that's fine." He said as he shined his flashlight into the car.

I fished my stuff out of my purse and handed it to him. He looked me closely in the eyes.

"Ma'am, have you been drinking tonight?"

I sighed. "Yes sir."

"How much have you had tonight?"

"Three shots and two beers."

"Where are you heading?"

"For home, about three blocks from here."

The officer nodded his head, observing me. "Please turn off your car and remain in your vehicle."

I turned off the car, put the keys on the dash so they were in plain sight for the officer, and remained in the driver's seat. The officer returned with a breathalyzer.

"Would you be willing to do a breathalyzer and a sobriety test?"

"Yes sir. I'd like to cooperate as much as I can with you."

"I appreciate that. Now please step out of the car."

I reached my hand out the window and popped my door open, then climbed out of the car. The officer held up the breathalyzer. I blew into the unit until he told me to stop.

"0.09 for your BAC. You are just over the legal limit."

My heart fell. I knew I was in for some trouble. I wish I would have thought before I had gotten into my car and tried to drive home.

"So I'll be taken into custody and charged with a DWI tonight?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Okay. Is there any way I can call a friend to let them come get my vehicle?"

The officer thought it over for a moment. "Well, if they can be here by the time I am done with your sobriety test, I'd be okay with that. You ave been honest and cooperative."

I yanked my phone out of my pocket and called Marissa.

"Marissa, just listen to me. I don't have much time. I got pulled over and am being arrested for a DWI. Can you come get my car and drive it back to the house so it doesn't get impounded? Please? The officer said he won't tow it if you can get here fast."

Deceptions of the Heart (Prequel for Trials. GxG, 18+)Where stories live. Discover now