Chapter 27

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"Hi, did you find everything okay?" I asked as she unloaded her cart onto the counter.

"Yes, I did, thank you," she said, then smiled.

That smile... it made my knees go weak for a second. Her deep blue eyes met mine, and I almost melted into a puddle right in front of her. For once in my life, I did not know what to say. I pretended to be focused on scanning her items, but I was watching her out of the corner of my eye. She shifted around nervously as I scanned each item. Part of me wanted to take my time just so I could look at her longer, but another part of me was so anxious I wanted to rush through her items and get her out of the store.

She fumbled with her wallet, then slipped something in between her hand and wallet before setting it down on the counter. She paid for her items, picked up her wallet and bags, then darted out of the store. I let out a sigh as she left. I popped the register open and took the money tray out. As I closed out the register and log off, I noticed a white card on the counter.

"Ashlyn Fuller. Author. Phone: (218) 555-0689" I read on the card.

Her name was Ashlyn. A huge smile crept across my face as I stared at the card. I glanced around and noticed Ashlyn darting around the corner. I got the feeling she had left the card for me and that she had stopped to make sure I grabbed it.

"What are you grinning about?" Becky asked.


"Whatever. You like her, don't you?"

"Okay, fine. Maybe a little."

"Oh, so you have a thing for her?" Rick said as he came back to the register to buy a soda.

"I guess, but I wasn't drooling over her." I said, laughing.

"You were most definitely drooling." He fired back, then laughed.

"Hey there, I'm your dream girl, and I know you are watching me so I'm gonna wander through the entire store and take my time," Becky said as she fluttered her eyelashes at me and increasing the pitch in her voice.

"She is not the girl for me. She prolly didn't even notice me."

"She noticed you. She looked just as spacey and lost in the moment as you did. I swear you both were dragging your jaws on the floor." Becky commented.

"My jaw was not on the floor!"

"Yeah, it was actually. I saw it. Thought maybe it fell off." Rick said, chuckling.

"I'm glad you are all so amused by my interest in another woman, but my private life is my business. Now go do something..." I said.

"I'm in my work area, so I guess you should be the one to find some work to do!" Becky shot back, laughing.

The rest of the shift crawled by. I wanted to leave so I could go home and daydream about Ashlyn more. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get her out of my head. I couldn't stop smiling either.

After changing out of my work clothes, I plopped down on the bed. I slipped my hand down along my body until my fingers landed on my clit. I was still thinking about Ashlyn. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't hit my point of release. I groaned out in frustration, then flopped onto my side, pulling the covers over my shoulder, and drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, I got up and headed to work. I didn't really want to be there, but there was a chance of seeing Ashlyn. Maybe she had forgotten something and would be back today. I really had a crush. I was thinking about her the second I woke up and couldn't get her out of my mind.

A few hours into the shift, Rick called me to his office. I assumed I had made a mistake or done something wrong because that was really the only time someone got pulled into his office lately. Taking a seat next to his desk, Rick looked down at me and smiled.

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