Chapter 23

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It was April. I laid in bed with Keily after a few rounds of sex. She seemed different tonight somehow. I was lying on my back when she shifted to her side. Her eyes roamed my body, and I liked the attention from her.

"You are so beautiful, you know that?"

"Thanks. I've been told that a few times."

"Can I ask you something?"


"Why aren't you in a relationship with anyone?"

"Um. I was in a terrible relationship and haven't really trusted anyone enough to get into another."

She nodded as she continued to explore my body with her eyes. "I have a confession to make... I like you. Like, I mean really like you."

"Really? Why though? I'm nothing great."

"I see things a bit differently. I see an incredible, beautiful woman who works her ass off and was hurt one time too many. You have given up on love and happiness.

"Maybe I have. I don't really know."

Keily shifted closer to me and took my face into her hand gently. "Would you, maybe like, wanna go out with me? Like on a date?"

I thought for several seconds. I was interested in her, after all. "Sure, I'd be up for that."

Keily smiled at me, then kissed me. It was the best kiss I had ever had in my life. The sparks flew, and I didn't want to stop kissing her. "So, I guess we are officially a couple now, huh?"

"Yes. Yes, we are." She said confidently.

May brought our one-month anniversary. Keily was almost always at my apartment. She didn't care that I didn't have much. I worked, then spent every minute with her I could. I was falling in love with her and she treated me like a human being instead of a fuck buddy.

As we grew closer, the sex got better. I could hardly keep my hands off of her. I wanted her all the time whether it was kissing, holding, or having sex with her. I had to be touching her constantly.

Keily was against drinking, which worked to my benefit because if I drank she would withdraw from me, forcing me to really think hard about my drinks. Did I want her or my drink more? Nine out of ten times, I chose her over my drinks. I missed drinking, but to me, she was worth it. I had my good days and my bad, but the world seemed brighter and better with her in the picture.

We laid on the floor snuggled up together one afternoon. I didn't have cable, but I had a wide variety of DVDs we watched. I climbed to my feet and headed into the kitchen to grab a drink. I stood there, considering my options. I really really wanted a beer, but I knew I should grab a mountain dew. Keily came up behind me and wrapped her arms around my chest.

"Please don't hun. Please." She said, then she slipped a hand down the front of my pants. She rubbed her fingers against me. "I know you want me; you need this after your long week of work." She cooed into my ear.

Her words made me melt. "You know I do, babe."

"Then don't do it..." she said as she pulled her hand from me. She tugged on my shirt gently, encouraging me to follow her back into the bedroom.

I held the fridge door open as I searched the shelves until I spotted a couple of beers. Keily stood in the door of the bedroom, watching me. I bit my bottom lip and let my eyes explore every inch of her body. She was so gorgeous as her five foot five-inch body filled the doorway and her now blue hair curved around her face, making her blue eyes pop. I had a thing for women with blue eyes. I glanced back at the beer.

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