Chapter 24

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I only drank one beer a night for the week. Keily didn't like it, but it was better than me being drunk. Friday afternoon I came home to find Keily laying under the covers asleep.

"Hey hun." I said, as I snuggled up to her under the blankets.

She rolled over and took my hand in hers, then kissed the back of my hand. "Hey sweetie. How was work?"

"It was okay."

She moved closer to me, then inhaled hard. "I don't smell beer..." she said, looking at me, confused.

"Nope. Haven't had one today."

"Oh my god, that's great babe! I am so proud of you and happy you have been cutting back." She said excitedly. "We should go out tonight!" She blurted as she sat up.

The blanket fell away from her naked body and I locked my eyes on her beauty. I wanted her so badly. She was my girlfriend, and I was fortunate to have her. I pushed her back down onto the mattress as I climbed on top of her and kissed her chest before nibbling on her skin, leaving small red marks on her.

"You know my rule, no marks above my chest!" She cried as I moved my way up to her neck.

I didn't respond to her comment, but backed off on my biting.

"Do you want to go out for dinner tonight? My treat."

"Yeah, I guess. I am pretty hungry, but not for food at the moment. You have me distracted." I said, then quickly kissed my way down her body to her clit.

She moaned out loud as my tongue connected with her spot.

"Babe! You can... do that..later... oh my god.." she said, stumbling over her words and clawing at the blanket.

I sucked on her hard, wanting her to scream out in desperation for me. She pressed her head back into the pillow a few minutes later and the cry escaped from her lips. I moved my tongue faster against her until she moaned out and her body tensed under me, then relaxed. I rested my head on her chest and listened to her heart racing in her chest.

"What are you wanting to do tonight?"

"Well. We could go see a movie and go get dinner? Go on a proper date for a change?"

I smiled up at her. "I think that is a great idea."

After getting ready, we headed to the movie theater. We caught a chick flick I knew nothing about. We grabbed two seats towards the back of the theater. Once the movie started, I threw my arm rest up and pulled her tightly against my side and wrapped my arm around her shoulder. She was lost in the movie, but I was getting bored and had other plans.

Most of the theater was empty, minus about 15 people towards the center of the seating area. There was no one around us in a few rows. I contemplated my idea, then acted on it. I lightly ran my hand up from her knee to the inside of her thigh, then pressed my fingers against her through her jeans. She glanced at me but remained quiet. I moved my hand up and unbuttoned her jeans, undid the zipper, and worked my hand into her panties. The second my finger landed on her spot, her head whipped over to me.

"Baby! Not here!" She said in a whisper.

"Why not? No one is around us, and I know you want it. Besides, you don't get that loud."

She glanced around to see no one around us, then shifted herself lower into the seat. I lightly drew circles on her clit. She pressed herself against me harder as she grew closer to hitting her peak.

"Sweetie please!" She begged into my ear, breathing hard.

I moved my finger faster against her and felt her nails digging into my arm, then her body trembling. I smiled as she hit her climax, then relaxed. Keily pressed up against me while I fixed her jeans. I could see her smiling from the corner of my eye.

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