Chapter 2

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I opened my eyes the next morning to find an empty room. Liz had left a note on her pillow.

"Didn't want to wake you, but had to go to work. Be ready to go when I get home around 3. We are going shopping."

I laid around bed most of the day until the clock read 2:30 P.M. then I got up, shower, and get dressed. As I walked into the bedroom, Liz came bounding down the stairs.

"Almost ready?" she asked.

I nodded as I put on my shoes. We headed upstairs, where Marissa gave Liz the keys to her car. We climbed into the older white car and set off down the road. I did not know what we were going shopping for, but it got me out of the house. A few minutes later, we arrived at the mall. As we reached the door, Liz stepped to the side to have a cigarette.

"We are getting you some things you need, like some new clothes. You can pay me back after you have gotten a job. We both know you can't go to an interview looking like that." Liz said, gesturing to my old jeans with random tears in the material and my worn t-shirt.

She had a point. I looked to be in pretty rough shape to be even thinking about going into an interview. We wandered from store to store until finally finding a store with some sales going for clothes that I would wear and liked.

"So what happened to you after juvie?" Liz asked as she held up a dress shirt.

I shook my head at the shirt. "Well, if you remember, I got put in there for running from all the foster homes I was in. Once I turned 18, they released me. I had a job lined up and had a place to live. My hopes were high at first, but I got bored after a year of the same thing day after day. I hopped around, going from job to job until I eventually couldn't find anything. Obviously, I lost my little studio apartment that the state helped me get." I explained as I flipped through some other tops. "Eventually I ran out of money so I couldn't stay at anymore cheap motels. I stayed at shelters for a while, but the colder it got, the harder it was to get in. Eventually, I gave up on the shelters and took my chances on the street. I ended up where you found me, and that was that."

"So, what are you planning on doing now?"

"Well... I hope to get a job and get another small cheap apartment, then try to get back on my feet. I don't know how long that will take. Hope it's not too long and I don't overstay my welcome." I commented as I gathered the items I wanted to purchase.

"Why do you say that?" Liz said, looking confused and hurt.

"Your friends don't exactly seem to like me too much."

"They aren't used to me caring about anyone. It's common for me to have women coming and going all the time, but I want to change that. They are used to me having two or three different women a week. I'm over that scene. I want to settle down and have the same girl to go home to every night." She explained as we got in line.

I didn't know how to respond to that. Was I just a charity case to her? I hoped not, but I didn't see any other answer why she was helping me. Why would someone from my past suddenly want to help me without knowing much about me? It made little sense. We finished our shopping, then headed home.

Three weeks later, I started a job at a retail store doing stocking. It didn't pay great and wasn't the most exciting job, but it was better than nothing. It felt good to have a job and some form of income. Liz made sure I got to work every day since I didn't have a car of my own.

The weeks flew by. Liz and I were becoming great friends. Her roommates were still unsure of me, though. They seemed to accept me a little more each day and became friendlier with me once I started chipping in with rent and food.

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