Chapter 8

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The following week was Thanksgiving. We went to visit Mrs. Mason and Derek. The second we walked in, Liz looked like she was about to breakdown. She held it together, but made a beeline for the fridge and grabbed a beer. By the time dinner was done, she had had at least eight beers that I knew of.

"Elizabeth. Enough! Stop with the drinking. You have had plenty." Mrs. Mason said as Liz got up to get another beer.

"Whatever, mom. I'm an adult. I can drink if I want to." Liz said, then gulped down half of the bottle.

"You may be an adult, but I don't need you to follow in your father's footsteps and become an alcoholic. Do you want to hurt your own family? Do you want to hurt Aimee with your drinking?!"

"I won't. Unlike dad, I know my limits. I know when I have had too much."

I listened as the conversation evolved into an argument. Derek and I pushed our food around on our plates, but didn't eat as the fight unfolded.

"Your dad knew his limits too, at first."

"Whatever. You're probably happy he is gone, so you don't have to deal with him drinking to be happy with his life."

"Elizabeth! How dare you speak to me like that!"

I jumped up and took Liz's hand in mine, leading her out to the backyard. I pulled out a cigarette and lit it, then handed it to Liz.

"Babe, come on. It's Thanksgiving. Please don't start a fight tonight."

"I'm not. I just want to have a few drinks. It's my way of coping with dad not being here."

"Well stop. You are hurting your mom." I pleaded.

Liz rolled her eyes at me, then focused on her cigarette. We returned to the table and Liz sat down beside me. I reached over and took her hand in mine as we ate in silence. Derek and I helped clean up while Liz slammed another couple of beers. I don't think she realized we all saw her as she finished the beer in the house.

"Well, time to go. There's no more beer, by the way." Liz said as she picked up her keys and phone, then headed for the door.

"Elizabeth, what are you doing?" Mrs. Mason asked.

"Um. Leaving? What's it look like?"

"If you walk out that door and get into the driver's seat of that car, I will cut you off. I won't help you with anything ever again. In fact, if you drive drunk, I never want to see or hear from you ever again."

"Whatever. Come on, baby girl, let's go home." Liz said, looking at me.

"Actually, I have to agree with your mom. You've had a lot to drink. I don't want you to be driving. I'll drive us home."

"I'm fine to drive. I'm not even tipsy right now."

I stood my ground and didn't move. Derek stepped forward and tried to take the keys from Liz, but she refused to hand them over. She looked at me one last time, then headed out the door.

"She's really going to do it..." Derek said in disbelief.

"Derek, can you do me a huge favor? Can you follow her and bring me home?" I asked.

"Yeah, of course."

I gave Mrs. Mason a hug, thanked her for dinner, and apologized for Liz's behavior. Derek headed for his car, and I followed him out. We drove a few car lengths behind Liz as she swerved all over the road. A few times, I was certain she was going to hit something, but by some miracle, she didn't.

Derek parked, and I got out, then headed inside to find Liz struggling to unlock the door for the apartment. She glared at me as I took the keys from her and unlocked the door. She stumbled inside, then collapsed on the couch. I headed to the bedroom, changed, and climbed into bed without saying a word to her. I was too mad to deal with her right now.

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