Chapter 19

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Liz continued to stare me down. In the split second I blinked my eyes, Liz's fist collided hard with the side of my head. She kicked my feet out from under me as she wrapped her arms around my neck and threw me down hard onto the ground. I stuck my arm out to catch myself. A sharp pain shot through my arm, causing me to cry out loudly. Liz didn't care, she kept going. The blows landed mainly on my head, face, and torso. After 15 long minutes of her torment, I couldn't fight the tears back any longer. The tears poured down my face onto my shirt. A few more blows and I could tell Liz was getting tired. I climbed to my hands and knees. Liz looked down at me as she wiped the sweat from her face. Her evil smile crossed her face, and I saw her leg coming towards my face. I instinctively raised my arm to block my face. As her foot slammed down into my arm, there was a loud crack and an intense pain shot through my whole body. A loud scream shot out of my throat as I collapsed back down on the floor. I clutched my arm tightly against my body. Liz's eyes grew wide with fear as she looked down at me. A moment later, there was a loud banging on the door.

"If that's the police, you had better stay fucking quiet. You hear me? I will make you wish you were dead if you say anything." She hissed, then moved to the door.

Liz opened the door, and Marissa and Scott charged inside. Marissa dropped to her knees beside me, and Scott stepped in between us and Liz. Marissa took my arm in her hands gently.

"You broke her fucking arm, Liz! What the hell is wrong with you! She needs to get to a hospital to get it set and in a cast." Marissa hollered.

My purse and keys were sitting on the counter still. Marissa grabbed them, along with my phone from the bedroom. She carefully helped me to my feet and led me out of the apartment. Once I was in the car, I let out a long sigh of relief.

"You're okay Aimee. We are taking you to the hospital. Is there anyone you want me to contact for you?"

"No, I've only got one other person I might call but I haven't decided." I said, as my mind raced.

Marissa helped me out of the backseat, then into the emergency room. I checked in as my arm swelled up. The receptionist took one look at me and called a nurse up right away. A nurse came and got me a few minutes later, then brought Marissa and me back to a room. Scott stayed in the waiting area in case Liz showed up.

"How did this happen? The doctor said as she walked in a few minutes later.

"Her girlfriend is an abusive bitch. She was beating her and broke her arm." Marissa said, after realizing I would not answer.

"Is this true?"

"Yes." I mumbled, staring at the floor.

"How long has the abuse been going on for?"

"About nine months, I guess? Maybe longer." I said, staring at the ground.

"Nine fucking months? Are you kidding me? Why didn't you say something? If Liz Mason shows up, can we get it where she can't come back here?" Marissa asked.

"Yeah, of course, that's no problem." The doctor said.

They x rayed my arm, and the doctor informed me it was a clean break, but I had had a couple of small hairline fractures in the same area that had already healed. As I waited for the staff to set and cast my arm, I fished my phone out of my pocket.

"Can you open my contacts and call Derek for me?"

"Derek? As in Liz's brother?!"


Marissa shook her head but started the call, anyway. I took the phone with my good hand and listened to the phone ring. Finally, Derek answered. It was obvious I had woken him up.

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