Chapter 9

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Liz walked into the room the next morning to find me surfing the web on my phone. She took my phone and glanced at it before tossing it down next to me.

"Why are you looking at stuff about adoption?"

"I told you, I want to be a mom. I want to have a child someday."

"And I told you no. We aren't having kids. End of discussion. I don't wanna deal with having some little brat running around, not being able to do what I want when I want. I'm not gonna put a child before my own wants and needs. Besides, kids are so expensive and needy."

"That's your choice, but I want a child more than anything."

"Not while we are together. I'm standing firm on this. No kids. I won't have a kid interfering with our relationship."

"Derek was right, you really have to be the center of attention and are a fucking lizard face..." I said, shaking my head in disbelief. "You're so fucking selfish."

"How am I selfish?"

"Well, for starters, you sat there and said you wanted a relationship with me... but now that you have me, you are still messing around with other women and making out with them right in front of me. I'll never be good enough for you, will I?"

"You are good enough. I just... sometimes I want something different. It's not like I sleep with them or anything. We just flirt and make out sometimes. It's innocent."

"For who? It's not innocent to me. It hurts me to see you with someone else. I'm supposed to be your baby. The one you want to cuddle with, to kiss, to be with and have sex with! Not all these other women." I cried out as a couple of tears rolled down my face before falling onto my shirt. "You say you want a future with me, but how? It's clear to me you don't want a family with me. You want to mess around with your fuck buddies and do whatever else it is you do while I'm at work. We both know you aren't doing anything around here, so what the hell are you doing all day?"

"Stuff. Don't worry about what I am doing while you aren't here."

"You better not be bringing those women over here and fucking them while I'm at work." I said. The very thought made me want to be sick.

"I just told you, I'm not fucking them. At least I'm not getting messages from some random guy all the time!"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Rick. He, or should I say she, messages you all the time."

"Rick is my boss. You can call that number. It's his cell phone. We talk about work stuff, that's it. Go through my messages and look. It is all strictly work related." I said, then tossed my phone at her. "Look, if you don't trust me, and want next to nothing to do with me, then why are we together? Am I just your trophy prize? Look at me, I'm dating some hot little bitch... is that what I am to you?"

"No! We're together because we love each other. Or well, at least I love you. You haven't said you loved me lately, so I don't know how you feel anymore."

"What has happened to us? We used to be so happy and carefree and now it's like you are a totally different person..." I said, now staring at the ground.

Her lack of a response didn't comfort me. I got up and prepared to go to work without saying another word to her. Liz texted me a handful of times while I was at work, but I didn't even bother to read the messages. I didn't want her to ruin my day anymore than she already had.

The next several weeks went by painfully slowly. Liz and I barely coexisted in the same house. We avoided each other as much as possible. Most nights I slept on the couch unless she went out, then I would take the bed and lock the door. I worked as much as I could with every hope of saving up some money. I could see the end of a relationship soon and wanted to have something to fall back on, so I had a fighting chance of surviving on my own and getting a new place to live.

Deceptions of the Heart (Prequel for Trials. GxG, 18+)Where stories live. Discover now