Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

With summer here, it brought more things to do outside the house. Liz and I spent most weekends with Scott and Marissa on their boat, like we had last summer. Marissa and I were hanging out on the boat when she asked how I was doing and how things were between Liz and me. It really tempted me to tell her the truth about everything but decided not to. I wasn't sure what Liz would say if she heard me. I shrugged it off and told her things were fine. Marissa gave me a doubting look, and I ignored it.

That night at home, Liz pulled me into her arms after dinner. She kissed the top of my head, then took my chin in her hand to turn my head.

"I don't like how Marissa was quizzing you. From now on, I'll answer the questions so you aren't forced in that position again. I'll let you know when you can respond to a question."

"Babe, come on... I didn't say anything to her, though."

"Yeah, and I'm happy you didn't, but I don't need to put you in that situation again. I'll deal with the quizzing and questions."

I huffed, then rolled my eyes at her latest command. Liz reached for my face and slapped me lightly.

"Don't huff and roll your eyes at me."

I shifted away from Liz, but she quickly pulled me back against her. She took off her shirt, then her shorts. She pushed my face down against her.

"No. I'm not doing this tonight." I said as I yanked my head free of her grasp.

"You think so, huh? Okay. That's fine."

She pushed me off her and then grabbed me hard, pulling me to my feet. She dragged me by my arm into the bedroom, then closed and locked the door. I didn't care. I curled up in bed and went to sleep for the night.

My morning started off early. Liz was on top of me, naked.

"You gonna take care of me yet?"

"No. I'm not doing this shit anymore."

"Okay." Liz said, nodding at me. "I'm calling you into work. Let me know when you are going to do as you are told."

I laid on the bed for a few hours. I was starving and bored out of my mind. Liz had refused to let me out for breakfast. I knew this was going to go south fast if I didn't do what she wanted. I stood and wandered to the door.

"Liz... I'll... I'll do it." I said. I hated myself for giving in to her.

Liz unlocked the door, undressed, then got on top of me as I laid down on the bed. I didn't bother to do any foreplay. My tongue connected with her and I quickly got her to orgasm.

"No. Not so fast. You owe me at least a couple for telling me no. And you need to slow down so I can enjoy it."

I sighed, then set back to work on her. Five times later, she climbed off of me and took my hand, pulling me on to my feet. She removed my clothing, then led me back into the living room. We curled up on the couch and she fingered me lightly. Not enough for me to orgasm, but enough to tease me.

"You really want it, don't you?" She said about 30 minutes later.

I nodded my head and snuggled up to her, wishing she would take care of me. I kissed her chest and begged her to pay attention to me. She was lost in her show, though. I worked my way from her chest up to her neck, then to her lips. She pushed me back.

"No. You will wait. You told me no, so why do you think you will get what you want when you want it?"

"Fine," I said huffing and pulling away from her.

Deceptions of the Heart (Prequel for Trials. GxG, 18+)Where stories live. Discover now