Chapter 4

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Christmas day, Liz drove us to her parent's house. We smoked before we went inside. My insides felt like a giant knotted ball. I didn't know what to expect or how to act. I'd never had to go through this before, meeting the family of the person I was in a relationship with. They might not like me or approve of me.

As soon as we walked into the large house, Liz's mom, dad and brother Derek greeted us. Her mom was cooking in the kitchen while her dad and Derek watched ESPN. We wandered through the open layout of the house to the kitchen area.

"Who's your friend?" Liz's mom asked.

"This is my girlfriend, Aimee."

"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Mason." I said, then shook her hand as she offered it to me.

"You mean your latest fuck buddy?" her brother said as he turned to face us on the couch.

"Knock it off Derek. Leave your sister alone." Mr Mason said. "Aimee, come have a seat in here with us."

Liz nodded at me as I glanced at her. I hesitantly wandered into the large sitting area then sat down on a section of the wrap around couch. I could hear Liz and her mom talking, but couldn't make out the words.

I liked Mr. Mason. I could talk with him for hours, but we had little in common. He had tons of stuff to talk about, though. A few minutes passed before Liz joined me on the couch. She curled up into a ball next to me and wrapped an arm around me.

"So dad, I saw the new drum set downstairs. It looks amazing."

"Oh, you like it, do you? If you would ever bother to learn, you could play on them. Oh yeah, after dinner, pull your car into the garage. I'll give it a good look over to make sure everything is in good shape on it."

I looked over to see Derek scowling as Mr. Mason and Liz chatted. He jumped up and headed out into the backyard with a cigarette in his hand. I excused myself and followed him outside.

"So you think you love my slutty little sister, huh? Good luck with that." Derek hissed.

"Why do you hate her so much?"

"She only does stuff for attention. She's nothing but a stupid fucking lizard face. I hate when she is around because she is all anyone focuses on. She hasn't done shit with her life, but yet she is the center of attention. You'll see."

I puffed on my cigarette, unsure of what to say to his comment. I noticed Derek's eyes roaming my body. It made me feel awkward.

"I will say you are one of the better looking girls my sister has dragged over here. You're actually really hot. I mean gorgeous. If you didn't claim to be a dyke, I'd totally be going after you myself. You sure you don't want a real man to take care of you?"

I rolled my eyes at his comment.It was getting old to have guy after guy tell me how sexy or beautiful I was. "Yeah, I'm sure. I'm not a fan of guys. Sorry." I said, then flicked my cigarette out and headed back inside.

I made a beeline to Liz and pressed myself as close to her as I could. She glanced at me, then pulled me tightly into her arms against her body as she continued to talk with her dad. I had never heard her laugh or seen her smile as much as she did with him. I realized she and her dad were very close.

A few hours later, Mrs. Mason announced dinner was done. We all moved into the dining room and took a seat. I somehow ended up between Derek and Liz. The food was delicious. As we ate, the questions poured out. They wanted to know stuff about me, but I didn't feel like sharing much, so I kept my answers short and vague. No one seemed to really notice, though.

After dinner, we headed downstairs. There was a beautifully decorated Christmas tree in the room's corner with presents stacked almost to the middle of the tree. I sat on the floor next to Liz, but she shifted behind me and pulled me into her arms. I pushed my body gently back into her. She leaned forward and softly kissed my neck.

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