Chapter 10

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Our relationship was finally getting back on track. Liz helped around the house and found a part-time job working for a cleaning service. Most days I came home to a clean house, and she had dinner on the table. It was like a switch had flipped inside of her. She was always holding me and kissing me every chance she got. She told me many times she loved me countless times.

I liked the new Liz. The endless attention she was giving me made me feel like we were in a relationship. She cut down her drinking and stopped taking pills, at least around me. She blew off her fuck buddies when they would call, text, or show up at our place. It seemed like it was me and her against the world.

I sat on the couch curled up against Liz one night after work. She laced her fingers between mine. Suddenly Liz grabbed my hand and looked it over, then gave me a confused look.

"Baby girl, where is your ring?"

"It's in the bathroom. I stopped wearing it when you and I were having problems and I was thinking about leaving."

"Where are we at now? Are we doing better?"

"Yes, I'd say we are doing better." I said, then sat up and kissed her. "Thank you for all the help with everything around the house. I can't tell you how nice it is to come home to find dinner on the table and the apartment clean."

"Will you wear your ring again? Please?"

"Yeah, I will." I said, smiling at her.

Liz came up with the idea to implement a date night once a week. Some nights we would go out to dinner and a movie. We spent other nights playing board games, card games or watching a movie cuddled up together. Every so often, we would spend our entire date night having sex.

The weeks raced by and things continued to go well. The summer months brought more outdoor activities for us to do. Liz reconnected with Marissa, and we started spending more time with her and Scott. It was great to see her having fun with her friends again.

Scott had bought a boat, so we spent several weekends on the lake. I was proud of Liz for not drinking a lot. Scott and Marissa would bring the boat out with a cooler packed full of beer, and Liz typically only had a beer, maybe two, then would switch to water or soda.

I was getting ready to go to work at the end of June when Liz grabbed me.

"I called you in for today. We have plans so you won't be going into work."

"Wait what? I can't afford to miss work, babe."

"You rarely miss work. You can afford a day here and there."

I sighed in defeat. "Okay fine. But you called Rick already?"

"Yes, see?" She held up her phone and showed me the call log, which showed a six-minute call to my work.

Liz told me to get changed and made breakfast for us. We made the drive down to the cities and arrived in the early afternoon at the stadium. The place was packed with a sea of people. Liz gripped my hand as we pushed our way through the crowd. She led me to a line at one of the entrances. The line didn't move for a few hours. I was bored and my feet hurt, but I humored her and didn't complain about my discomfort.

Once the line moved, we headed inside. Liz took the lead, and I followed her to our seats. I sat down and glanced around to see a stage set up. We had fantastic seats. We weren't on the main level, but our seats were close to center stage.

An hour later, two opening acts came onto the stage and performed a couple of songs. The main band came out and Liz went crazy with excitement. It was one of her favorite rock bands. I didn't mind them, but they weren't my favorite. Overall, they played an impressive set, and we had a lot of fun.

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