Chapter 22

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We had sex a few more times that weekend. Monday morning meant he had to leave to go back home and get back to work. The week crawled by again, and I was eagerly waiting for the weekend.

The next weekend, we couldn't keep our hands off each other. The second we entered my apartment, he yanked his shirt off, then grabbed me and gently laid me down on the bed. He removed my clothes, then I felt his tongue against my clit. I moaned and cried out, begging for more. I wanted him inside of me. When he was on top of me, I felt safe and like nothing else mattered in the world. He made me orgasm, then kissed his way up my body, finally landing on my lips. We made out for several minutes. He finally got the hint after I had been yanking at his pants for a couple of minutes. He removed his pants and slipped inside of me. I cried out with excitement. Tonight, he was rougher with me, and I loved every second. He had me begging for more by the time we finished. I soon caught myself in another pattern of sleep, work, and sex with Derek. It scared me to realize I was slipping back into another routine like what I had done with Liz. My life had become an endless cycle of sleep, work, and sex.

The second weekend in October, Derek walked into the apartment and undressed. I stopped him. I wanted him, but I had to break this routine.

"How about we go out to dinner tonight?"

"Really? Why? I have everything I need right in front of me."

"Do you not want to be seen in public with me?" I said nervously.

"I never said that."

"Well... I just feel like we have become fuck buddies, and that's it."

"You don't like the sex suddenly? You've never complained before."

"No, I do. I love it. But there is no depth to our relationship. We don't talk anymore or do anything except fuck."

"Okay then, let's have sex."

I shook my head. "I wanna do something else with you first."

"Are we gonna do this or not?" He asked, kissing my neck.

"Fine, I guess we are doing this." I said, giving in. I wanted him badly.

I undressed, then dropped onto the bed. He didn't even bother to kiss me or tease me before he worked himself inside of me. I let him fuck me until he had enough. I rolled over to my side, and he pulled me close to him. Once I heard his breathing steady, I let a few tears roll down my face. I really was an easy lay and was only good for sex, like Liz had said.

The rest of the weekend, I disconnected from him. I let him fuck me, but I wasn't into it. He didn't seem to even notice I wasn't into the sex. That week at work, I became distant from everyone. I barely said two words to anyone unless I was working the register. I dreaded interactions with customers because it meant I had to talk to them, but I put on my fake smile and pretended everything was good.

By the weekend, I still hadn't responded to any of Derek's calls or texts. I heard a knock on the door. I expected it to be Derek, but was greeted by Marissa instead.

"Are you doing okay? You had us really worried. Derek said he's been trying to reach you, but you have answered none of his calls or texts."

"Yeah. I just don't feel like talking to him, or really anyone."

"You're slipping again, aren't you?"

"I don't know if Derek told you, but we started messing around. I thought we were dating, but lately it has only been sex between us. Theres been no talking or anything. I realized Liz was right. I'm just an easy lay and only good for sex."

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