- twenty three -

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tw / suicidal thoughts & unintentional self harm

a couple of weeks had passed since san and wooyoung's first date together. wooyoung wanted to go on another one badly, but with the way his week had been going, he didn't think he could handle it and didn't bother telling san. the boy had been having panic attack after panic attack that week, beginning to wonder if he would ever truly start to get better anymore. he was sick of all of the pain and suffering, he didn't know what to do.

san was on his way home from class when he got a call from yeosang, and considering how wooyoung's week had been going, he knew the call was urgent.

"hey, what's up, yeosang?"

"wooyoung... he locked himself in the bathroom and when i've tried to ask him what i can do to help, he freaks out and tells me to stay away. i don't know what's going on but i need your help, san..."

yeosang sounded like he was on the verge of tears as he spoke, san quickly getting into the left lane to turn in the direction of their apartment.

"yeosang... it's going to be okay, i promise. i'm on my way, i'll be there in a few minutes to help."

"t-thank you."

"jongho's in one of the practice rooms on campus, but you should call him or text him to call you when he can. he'll be able to comfort you, i know it."

"i shouldn't bother him..."

"he'd prefer if you bothered him if it would make you feel better. i know him."

"you're sure?"

"absolutely. i'm about two minutes away now, i'll see you soon."

"see you..."

the two hung up and san continued to drive, quickly arriving to the boys' apartment and rushing to get upstairs after locking his car. he knocked on the door and yeosang opened it, tear streaks on his cheeks.


"t-thank you for coming..."

san nodded and pulled yeosang into a hug, understanding only slightly how seeing wooyoung like this made him feel.

"he's gonna be okay, i promise. it's just going to take some time."

"thank you," yeosang whispered. "now please, go help him..."

san nodded once more and made his way down the hall, taking a deep breath before doing anything.

"wooyoungie?" he asked softly, gently tapping on the door. "are you in there?"

things were silent, then san heard the boy's sniffles.

"hey... woo, bub, it's sannie. can you unlock the door for me?"



"j-just leave me a-alone, san."

"wooyoung, i told you i'd be here whenever you want or need me. i meant that, bub. i know it's hard to accept help, but please... please let me try."

"i-it's not going to w-work."

"shh... don't say that, woo. i believe in you, we're going to make it work."


"okay... you don't want to let me in? fine. but i'll sit right outside here and talk to you until you let me help you."

wooyoung scoffed, not believing san for a second.

"i'm serious, woo. i'm right here whenever you're ready."

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