Chishiya x reader

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Y/n's POV

I was walking on the way to my room i didn't notice chishiya and kuina are waiving at me i just walked past them

I was laying in my bed full of guilt and still keep thinking about the game earlier

I can't believe i sacrifice a pregnant lady just to survived i started to cry still thinking about it

I didn't notice someone enter my room


I look over to someone who called my name

"Chishiya" i said while crying

"Shss" He said while trying to comfort me

"I heard about the game you played earlier it's okay it's not your fault" Chishiya said while hugging me i cried until i fell asleep in his arms

---------Time Skip---------

I wake up and felt the sunlight hitting my face i look at chishiya beside of me sleeping peacefully i turned around staring at him while he was sleeping

"So handsome" i giggled

"I know" he said that made me look at him shocked while he have a sly smile on his face i look at his eyes traveling in my face and it stop in my lips

I cleared my throat and look away

"Are you okay now" He asked

"Yes thank you i promise to pay you back" I replied to him

"How about a kiss" He said that made me stunned im still trying to process what he just said suddenly he lean closer to me and kissed me

He is kissing me slow but passionate and i kiss back i few minutes later we separated to catch our breath he then seriously looked at me and said

"I'll sacrifice everything so just you can live"



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