[fluff] Arisu x reader

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Y/n's POV

Id: Anonymous_player23
Hey wanna meet up?

I ask my online friend i really wanna meet up with him it's been 2 months since we've been playing an online game together

Id: Ryu01
Okay then let's meet in a park!

Id: Anonymous_player23
Sure! Let's meet tomorrow in 4:00 in afternoon

Id: Ryu01
Alright see you tomorrow then bye!

Id: Anonymous_player23
Goodbye Ryu01

After that i turn off my computer and then sleep i can't wait to see him tomorrow I wonder what Ryu01 look like


Arisu's POV

Id: Anonymous_player23
Goodbye Ryu01

Yes! I can't believe she wants to meet me i call Karube on the phone

"Karube she wants to meet me we're going to meet in a park tomorrow" I said while smiling

"Good for you arisu but what if she's not really a girl she's a boy are you going to start crying like a baby" Karube tease

"Shut up!" I shout at him on the phone and laugh

"Sorry arisu i need to say goodbye to you right now my girlfriend wants to talk to me just tell me what happened after you met her enjoy!" He said and turn off the call

I then went to bed and sleep im so excited to meet Anonymous_player23 tomorrow


Y/n's POV

I am now at the park waiting for Ryu01 or should i say Arisu while scrolling on my phone it ring oh i think it's arisu i give him my number and exchange names earlier

My friends keep telling me that what if his a stalker, murderer, or a bad person but i still insisted to meet him

I didn't meet him already but i know that deep inside me his a good guy

"Y/n" Someone calls me from behind i turn around and saw a handsome/cute boy

"Arisu" We just started at each other awkwardly we don't know what to say

"Ehem so y/n let's walk around the park" He broke the silence

"Yeah the weather is nice" I smile and followed him

After 5 months we've become really close until one day he invited me on a date

"Y/n i really like you no i love you could you be my girlfriend?" Arisu said while carrying a roses

"Yes arisu" I said and hugged him tightly and kissed him after that we let go of each other

His blushing so cute

"Thank you y/n you didn't know how much happy i am right now" He smiled at me that could melt anyone's heart

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