Chishiya x Jealous reader

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Requested by: phone_things_


Y/n's POV

Me and chishiya were in the restaurant right now because today is our third year anniversary

We talk about things while eating and it was really fun until this clown girl butt in

"Doctor chishiya we're you having dinner with your little sister?" The clown girl ask

Sister excuse me i look at her up and down her face was full of cosmetics does she not look at the mirror

"Dr. Chishiya i was about to call you later i need to discuss something about work" The girl shyly said

I want to kill her right now...

"Sorry miss we're having a date right now" I said trying my self not to roll my eyes at her because of jealousy

"Y/n i think we need to cancel our date right now" Chishiya speak

"No!" I shout at him that made all the people on the restaurant look at me

"Y/n stop being a brat" Chishiya calmly said

"But please chishiya stay"I plead

"Y/n i have something important to do you know that i need to work" He said while looking at me begging

"If you leave right now were over" I said while staring at him blankly

"Stop being so dramatic y/n let's just talk later" He said and leave

He just left me alone i saw the clown girl grinned at me does chishiya think i can't do it i pay the bills and walked home while crying

After i arrive at our house i pack my things he always prioritize his work more than me today is our third anniversary and i can't believe he just left me there

After that i leave the house and go back to my old apartment

Chishiya's POV

"Chishiya i really like you please be with me" Mari my coworker said

"I already have a girlfriend don't come near me again" I said without an emotion

She run away while crying i can't believe she lie to me that we have something about work to discuss i even left y/n in our third anniversary

I should apologize to her i drive home when i got it i notice that it was so quiet

"Y/n?" I call her i walked in her room and she's not there i notice that her clothes and things are gone

I panic is this what she said earlier

I run out of the house to find her i call her family and friends but they only answer they didn't know where is she but i suddenly remember her old apartment and drive there

I open her apartment i have a spare key she gave me this a long time ago

"What are you doing here?" She ask while sobbing

"Please don't leave me y/n im sorry" I softly said at her

"We're already over when you walked out of the restaurant you always prioritize your work over me and im starting to think that im interfering your work" She said

"Y/n" I said with a broken tone i get on my knees begging her not to leave me

"Leave now!" She shout and i helplessly leave her apartment tears flowing out of my eyes

I'm sorry y/n i love you

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