Yandare Chishiya x reader

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Y/n's POV

I'm starting to get irritated to that blonde guy he always followed me everywhere i go

What the hell is his problem? Maybe he found out that i am a manipulator too

Oh no! Did he found out that behind my innocent face, I've already betrayed and sacrificed people

My brain is starting to overthink again and it's driving me crazy

I drank too many alcohol i can't even count how many shots i have drink

"Hi y/n" Chishiya walk towards me and gave me a sweetest smile but i know that it was fake

"You blonde bitch you followed me again" I said and glared at him

"Blonde bitch?" He said while raising his eyebrow i began to laugh at him

"You're drunk, how much did you drink?" He ask while grinning at me

I think his planning something i want to kill him right now

"I don't know, i can't count them" I said and passed out


I wake up because of the sunlight hitting my face i groan my head hurts

I look around the room wait this isn't my room

Where the hell i am?

"Y/n~ you're awake" Chishiya said sweetly

That's when i realize this is chishiya's room, i look at my hands i was handcuffed in chishiya's bed

"Chishiya remove this now!" I shout at him

He smirk and walk towards me he touched my hair softly, i just froze because of shocked

"Y/n i love you so much the first time i saw you my heart began to beat faster" He said while looking at me lovingly

"So i won't do it" He said and frowned

"You're crazy!" I shout

"Crazy for you" He smirk

I start to curse him because im so angry right now how dare he handcuffed me

He gets annoyed and takes out a syringe on his pocket

"What's that? Put that down!" I shout scared that he might kill me

"Don't worry baby, I won't kill you like you did to your friends im just going to put you in a sleep" He said

"Oh so you know that too then you should stay away from me don't you know that i betrayed and sacrificed so many people just too survive" I smirk at him

"I know but i don't care i only care for you" He said and stabbed the syringe in my neck

"I love you y/n you're mine i won't let anyone take you away from me"

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