Niragi x female reader

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Y/n's POV

I'm walking home until i spotted a nerd getting bullied i decided to go and help him

"Yah!" I shout to them and walk towards them

"Who are you? You look pretty" the guy said who was holding a baseball bat

"It's none of your business assh*le" i said rolling my eyes

"This b*tch" he said and glared at me i just stood their and smirk and he got really mad so he ordered his friends to beat me i removed my jacket throwing it in the ground and began to fight them

After i beat them they ran away i walk towards the nerd guy

"Are you okay?" I ask

He looked ay me terrified and started to tremble "Please dont hurt me" he said

"Ofcourse not" I said and offered my hand to him to help him stand up and he accept it

"Thank you, thank you so much" he said bowing

"Welcome, what's your name?" I ask smiling that made him red

"Suguru Niragi" He introduce himself

I was about to say something when my phone starting to ring i answer the phone call "Yes, im on my way home" i said immediately i look at the nerd guy

"So Suguru im going home now it's nice to meet you" I said and and pick my jacket and ran

----------In borderlands----------

(A/N: I'm gonna skip hatters speech i just don't want to write it)

I was tied in a chair with arisu and usagi until a man with piercing and a gun walked in he scanned his eyes until it landed on me he stared at shock to me i saw a happiness in his eyes when he sees me he kinda look familiar i just look a way at him at start to listen to hatters speech

-----Time skip-----

I already wear my swimsuit it is one of hatters rules so we can't hide any weapon i decided to go to sleep because i felt sleepy

"Y/n" someone whispering my ears i immediately open my eyes and look at the piercing guy in the top of my bed

"Who are you and what are you doing here!" I shout

"Oh love~ you don't remember me im hurt" he said while acting hurt

I glared at him

"Well suguru niragi it's nice to meet you again my love~ and im here because i want see you i tried to find you but I can't" he said sweetly

"Suguru Niragi" I remember now his the nerd guy i saved backed then

"What do you want?" I ask

"You my love~" he said and hug me

"Damn i always think about you my love~ after you saved me, you're the one who made me insane You're mine~"

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