Niragi x fem reader

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Y/n's POV

That militant niragi he would always insult me but right now why is he acting sweet to me

His so sweet like a lollipop and soft like a marshmallow

I am not dumb to notice that his always looking at me lovingly like im his girlfriend or what

I also notice him following me anywhere but i just pretend that i didn't know

Where's that psychopathic man right now gosh his creeping me out

I just shake off my thoughts and continue drinking until a handsome guy sit next to me

"Hi pretty lady are you alone?" He flirt

"No im not did you see anyone with me" I sarcastically said at him

"Your sassy" He said and winked at me

"Are you a virgin?" He ask

"Do you have no shame!" I shout at him so loud that everyone heard it they all look in our way but i don't really care

"No i don't" He smirk

"Come on stop causing a scene and come with me stop playing hard to get and besides-" He was cut off when a bullet hit his head

I look at him on the floor terrified i look at the one who shot him and it was niragi

"That's what you deserve idiot!" He shout at the dead man

"Everyone if anyone would try to do that to her again i would make you suffer then kill you" He threatened

He grabs me by my wrist softly and made his way out of the bar

"You didn't have to do that" I said to him

"Oh really?" He smirk

"I can handle it alone you didn't have to shot him" I said and gives him a glares

"So you're literally defending that man you must be crazy" He said angrily

"Go insult me over and over again that's what your good at right" I emotionlessly said at him

His eyes soften and look at me his eyes were full of guilt

"I'm sorry" He apologize that made me stunned

Is this real the Psychopathic niragi is apologizing at me!?

"Look y/n i know that i always insult you and i apologize about that at first i really hate you because your a friend of that sly fox but one day i woke up and realize that i love you" He confessed

"W-what?" I stutter not expecting him to confess to me

"Y/n i really love you i would kill anyone just for you" He said while looking at me lovingly

He lean closer to my face and kiss me not in a rough way he kiss me soft and passionate i can feel the butterflies in my stomach after that i hug him

"I love you too niragi" I whisper on his ear

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