[fluff] Usagi x reader

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Requested by: evelynhasadad


Y/n's POV

Me and usagi were getting ready to climb in the mountain

"Are you okay? You look so scared" She said while looking at me worriedly

"Me scared? As if!" I scoff

'Of course im scared damn it this is my first time climbing a mountain what if i fall' I shake off my thoughts and start to climb in the mountain with usagi

It's been a few minutes since we start climbing and im so tired gosh

"Usagi could we stop here i need to drink some water i think im gonna die because of dehydration" I said with my eyes pleading to her

"Okay" She said and handed me a water bottle

"It's your first time climbing in a mountain are you?" She suddenly ask that made me throw up the water im drinking

"Are you okay?" She look at me full of worry

"I'm okay" I said and handed him the water bottle

"What did you say it's my first time no it's not" I said while acting dumb

"You're good at lying but it's too obvious" She said smiling

"It's true aish let's just continue to climb" I said annoyed

A few hours later we finally arrived at the top of the mountain

I struggle to pull myself up and usagi notice me

"Here take my hand" I reach her hand and thank her

"Why did you pretend that you already experience a mountain climbing?" She ask curiously

"Well uhm" I inhale a fresh hair and confess to her

"I want to be with you that's why i said it" I chuckle nervously

She laughed and hugged me

"You're so funny y/n" She said while laughing

"I love you usagi" I said while smiling

"I love you too y/n"

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