Obsessed Niragi x reader

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Requested by: Whery_Werewolf


Y/n's POV

I was in the meeting room right now because hatter announce something but i didn't listen to him i already know what he was going to say

I look at niragi his so handsome and hot i have a huge crush on him the first time i laid my eye at him i was fascinated by his beauty

I would always follow him everywhere he goes even if he is killing the traitors on the beach

I was looking at him while my eyes is sparkling when he looked at me i immediately look away and saw chishiya looking at me raising his eyebrow

I really have a crush on him but i am not planning to confess i don't want to die yet

Niragi's POV

While listening to hatters boring speech i can feel someone was staring at me again

I look at the person and it was y/n when she saw me looking at her she immediately look away

I am not that stupid to know that she was following me everywhere i go but didn't confront her

I like the way that she had been following me and only focused her attention to me

The meeting is now over i want to hang out with my y/n

Yes she's mine and i wouldn't let anyone take her away from me

Y/n's POV

When everyone get out in the meeting room niragi walk towards me my heart begins to beat faster

I can't believe my crush is walking towards me

"Y/n let's hang out together" It's not like a question it's more like a command

I don't mind if i reject his offer maybe he would shot me on the head right now

"Sure!" I said and smiled at him i look at him in the eyes and saw a glimpse of happiness

Wait happiness maybe im just imagining things

But suddenly my stomach growls damn i forget to eat earlier because ive been following niragi around

"Your hungry?" He ask i look at him shyly and nod

I was following him until we arrive at the kitchen i look at him confused

"Why are we here?" I ask him

"Your hungry im going to cook for you" He plainly said

"You know how to cook!" I shout because of shock

I remember that he was carrying his riffle and immediately apologize

After he cooked he excuse himself and said he would be back

I was eating happily i can't believe my crush just cooked for me and it was so delicious  a handsome guy came towards me and started to flirt with me

Suddenly a guy was pointed on his head he look at the gun terrified

"You punk how dare you flirt what's mine she's mine only mine!"

What did he just say im his?

I saw niragi glaring at the guy i feel like he would pull the trigger right now

I immediately stop him he glares at me then calmed down

"You punk go away don't let me see your face again or else i would kill you!" Niragi shout the guy quickly run away

"Why did you do that?" I ask him

"Y/n i like you" He confess i start blushing he likes me too i can't believe this

"Y/n could you be my girlfriend?" He gently ask me and hold my hand

Wow straight forward well it doesn't matter who knows if we die tomorrow

"Yes" I answered

He quickly smacked his lips on mine we we're kissing passionately but immediately let go when chishiya walked in

"Get a room niragi" He said and smirk at him

"You slyfox how dare you disturb us" He angrily said at chishiya

I quickly drag him away out before he could punch chishiya on the face

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