Chishiya x Suicidal reader

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Requested by: Whery_Werewolf


Y/n's POV

I silently cried in my room while holding a knife on my hand i can't help it i really just missed my friend so much

I can still remember how she died infront of me


" Please choose your partner right now after choosing your partner the game will finally begin" The PA system speak

"Y/n let's team up" Riya cheerly said while trying to hide her nervousness

"Okay" I agree and smile at her and she smiled back


"There are a total of 14 participants"

"The game will now commence"

"Game 9 of hearts" We looked at each other terrified

"You and your partner will enter the same room and weat the collar you just have to the truth about yourself infront of your partner but once you tell a lie the colar will explode and you will die"

"Each room has 15 minutes you must tell a lie if you want to sacrifice yourself so your partner will win in that round or your partner will tell a lie so you will win in that round"

"If no one tells a lie or no one would sacrifice themselves you'll both die"


Riya started to cry i also cried i can't believe this is happening to us

"I'm a murderer" I softly say and look away at her

She looked at me shocked ofcourse she would not believe me

But my collar didn't explode she looks at me and smile

"Y/n my bestfriend the only one who makes me happy i hate you" She said and smiled at me suddenly her head exploded

*Flashback ends*

I cut my wrist open until i saw chishiya walked in my room when he saw me he looked at me shocked

He quickly run towards me and tries to stop the bleeding in my wrist and tries to stop the bleeding

Chishiya's POV

I walk in to her door and didn't bother to knock i want to see her

When i was inside of her house i saw her wrist bleeding i quickly run towards her and tries to stop the bleeding she passed out and i saw a knife in her hand


I healed her wrist i just found out to Ann that she saw y/n cut herself everyweek because of the injury of in her body

I don't know why but i was really worried about her i felt like i can live without her

She finally moved and look everywhere then me

"Chishiya" She softly says

Y/n's POV

"Chishiya" I saw him looking at me worriedly

"Y/n don't move" He rushed towards me

"I deserve to die! Why did you do this!" I shout at him

"Chishiya why did you saved me?" I look at him tearly eyed

"Because i love you y/n please don't kill yourself i can't live without you if you die i die" He seriously said that made me shocked

Ofcourse chishiya just said that he liked me i thought he was going to use me to get the cards

"Y/n please" He said looking at me while his eyes are begging

"Don't try to hurt yourself again do you think your friend will not be angry at you if you do that she just sacrificed herself just for you and yet your trying to kill yourself" He sigh and give me a hug

"I'm sorry im not going to harm myself again" I said and hugged him back

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