Last boss x fem reader

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Y/n's POV

I was running in the halls getting away with that niragi guy he attempt to kiss me and i accidentally punch him in the face

Aish im starting to get annoyed to that punk that rude arrogant jerk

Running in the halls i suddenly bumped to someone we both fall in the ground because of the huge impact i started to say sorry again and again and i finally look at him

'Oh my gosh the samurai guy is here'

Trying to calm my self i smile at him and say sorry again and plan to escape i was about to run again when he release his katana and point it at me

I immediately raise my both hands scared that he might remove my head into my body

"Wtf" I said and then looked at him shocked

"Why are you running away?" He ask suspiciously looking at me like he could see my soul

"That jerk niragi is trying to kiss me and i accidentally punched him in the face" I said nervously

He started to laugh like crazy

'What the— have he gone insane' I thought while looking at him like he was crazy

I attempt to run again and he grabbed me and slam me in the wall he put his hand in my head so my head wouldn't hit the wall

My heart started to beat like crazy because of how close we are and i can feel his heart beating like crazy too

We made an i contact his eyes start to roam around my face until it stop in my lips

He hold me firmly and i  suddenly felt his lips into mine

I tried to escape in his grasp but he hold me tightly i surrender and letting my self to feel his soft lips into mine and kiss him back

A few minutes later we separated and catch our breath i looked at him and i can feel my face started to get red because of the embarrassment

What the why did i felt embarrassed i was supposed to get angry at him because of kissing me i immediately glare at him

"You! Why did you do that!?" I shouted at him

"Because i want to" He firmly said and then left

"What because you want to!?"

"Yah don't just leave me here!"

He just looks back and wave at me

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