Arisu x reader

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Y/n's POV

I look at arisu and walk towards him

"What are you going to tell me arisu?" I ask

He look at me then he started to speak "y/n i just want to let you know that i love you because I might not have a chance to say this to you"

I immediately hug him " I love you too arisu don't say something like that we made a promise that we will survive until the end"


I'm in the ground full of blood one of the militants shot me in my chest in the witch hunt game I can't believe I'm going to die

"Y/n!" Arisu screamed my name when he finally found me he look at me in terror

"Y/n" He run towards me tearly eyed i cupped his face and force him to look at me

"Shss arisu look at me promise me that you will beat this game and go back in the real world alive" I said and he nod his head still crying

"I'm sorry if i didn't fulfill my promised to you love" I said and slowly lost my consciousness

Goodbye arisu i wish that we will meet again in my next life....

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