Yandare Banda x reader

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Y/n's POV

"Y/n you're sleeping again in my class i can't believe this!" The teacher shout at me

"Can't you just be like banda just be a good student for once" I roll my eyes

Here we go again the teacher compared me again to that shit they always did even my parents who abandoned me

"Why would i?" I ask while raising my eyebrow

"How dare you talk back!" The male teacher slap me in my face

I fell down banda quickly got up and run towards me asking if i am okay he glared at the teacher

Wait did he just glare to our teacher?

Maybe im just imagining things because of the hard slap i quickly push his hand away from me and got up


*The next day*

I was napping on my table while listening to my history class

The teacher didn't get angry at me because she knows that i love history and always listening to her

I've been thinking why did the teacher slapped me yesterday didn't enter the class earlier

When the class finally ended i got up and leave

I was walking on the halls when banda shout my name i look back he was holding a flower bouquet

"Y/n i like you!" He shout that made the all students in the hallway look at us

They start to whisper as if i couldn't hear them

OMG banda likes her

She probably put a love potion on banda's drink

Mr. Genius likes Ms. Worthless

That bitch i can't believe this

I started to feel irritated why does he made me look like the bad person

I am the top 1 in this school when he hasn't enroll here everyone respects me but when he arrive he became the top 1 after he got the highest score

The students started to talk shit to me behind my back

I accept the bouquet he was so happy but his smile drop when i throw it on the trashcan beside me

"Well too bad i don't like you i hate you" I said and glared at him

I quickly left without looking back

Banda's POV

She hates me why?

I look at the students who look at me pity i their eyes

some of them even glared at my y/n i want to take out their eyes right now

I quickly left i can't believe she rejected me ive been trying hard to gain her attention

Should i kidnapped her?

Y/n's POV

I was walking on the streets and i could feel someone's following me

I began to walk faster and thank god i lost that person when i look back i saw a person wearing a black hoodie and black mask

The person knocked me out by hitting my head so hard and everything went black


I wake up, my head hurts i look around and notice that i am in a basement

It was dark here

The basement door opened to my surprise it was banda who walked in

What the fuck? Did he kidnapped me because i rejected him earlier

"Darling you're awake" He smirk while walking towards me

I struggle to remove the rope tied on my hands

"It's your fault if you haven't rejected me earlier we would be a happy couple" He said in a sad tone

"You're crazy!" I shout

"I know i have some surprise to you baby" He said

He pick up the small sack beside the door and there was a head inside it

The teachers head who slapped me yesterday!?

"I did this for you y/n how dare that lowly human hurt you" He said while cupping my face

I began to throw some curses to him and tells that someone's finding me right now

It's seems to anger him and slapped me

"Shut up! You're so annoying everyone abandoned you even your family and friends but i wouldn't!" He shout

"Shut up you would abandon me too if you lost an enterest on me" A tear slip on my eye

He looked at me softly and  gently touch my face

"No i wouldn't abandon you y/n never because the first time i saw you i know that we we're meant for each other"

"You're mine and im yours"

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