Jealous Niragi x reader

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Y/n's POV

"Y/n are you going on the party tonight?" Kuina ask

"Yes besides i got nothing to do tonight" I said

"Okay see you in the party tonight y/n" We bid goodbye's and split up

Kuina and Chishiya are my best friends

I open my locker and saw a flower and chocolate i wonder who left it here again

"Flower and chocolate again from your secret admirer i wonder who is it?" He said while raising his eyebrow

"I will surely will catch him tomorrow" I said

"Okay ugly" He grinned

"Whatever" He waive and left me

I yawn the history class is so boring really why do we even need to learn the past it was long time ago past is past

After a few minutes finally the class is over while looking at the book i bump at someone and fall on the floor

"Sorry" I stand up and look at him to my surprise it was
niragi my greatest bully

"What are you doing here niragi are you going to play a prank at me again?" I said and glared at him

"Chill nerd you're so hot" He chuckle

My face started to get red like a tomato he smirked at me when he sees my red face

"Leave me alone!" I shout at him and pick my book on the floor then run away from him

I am now walking inside the party kuina notice me and smile

"Y/n whoa you look so pretty without your glasses" She said while looking at me in amazement

"Thank you for the compliment you're pretty too" I said and laugh slightly

"Chishiya have to see this" She said and dragged me to him

"Chishiya~ y/n is here isn't she pretty" She said excitedly said to chishiya

"Hmm let me think" he said while observing me

"Yes she's pretty" I smiled at him

"But still a nerd" my smile immediately drop i look at him while murdering him in my mind

I rolled my eyes and left them im in a bad mood right now i order a 3 glasses of alcohol and drink it

"Hi pretty wanna dance with me" A man offered at me i accept and we begin to dance together

He put his hand in my hips i just let him while we we're dancing he suddenly fell on the floor i look at the one who punched him it was niragi

Wait niragi? what is he doing in here?

"Don't you dare touch what's mine idiot" He said and punched him one last time and dragged me out of the part

"Niragi why are you here and why are you dragging me im still enjoying the party" I whined like a child

"You're drunk y/n and why do you even let that man touch you" He angrily said to me

"Why do you care and why are you even angry?" I ask him

"Because you're mine your only mine y/n mine mine alone" He said and i look at him shock

"Look y/n i love you so much" He said while trying to calm down himself

"Well if you like me why are you bullying me with your stupid pranks" I sarcastically said at him

"Because that is the only way that i will get to talk to you you probably ignored me when i first approached you nicely" He said while looking down

"Oh i remember that but im just in a bad mood that day" I innocently said at him

"And also im the one who left you a flower and chocolate everyday" He confessed

"Oh so you're my secret admirer" I said while blushing

He look at me and lean closer his lips to mine i close my eyes waiting for his kiss and got nothing i open my eyes he immediately smacked his lips into mine

I hold is head deepening the kiss after a few minutes we both break away the kiss and catch our breath after that we looked at each other

"So y/n can you be my girlfriend?" He nervously said

"Yes" I said while smiling at him

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