Urumi Aramaki x reader

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Y/n's POV

I am in the jack of hearts game everyone is now starting to betray each other

I notice the girl with blue dress i think her name is Urumi Aramaki

She was being lied by her teammates i know that she kinda deserve it but i want to help her

"Urumi" I call her while eating the cookie that chishiya was eating earlier

She looked at me confused about why i called her name

"Your suit is not Spade it's heart" I said while munching the cookie

A/N: I don't know if urumi's real suit is heart i don't remember

"How am i supposed to trust you?" She ask while raising her eyebrow

"It's your choice if you would believe me or not" I said and left her

The game ended and i was really sad because eppie died he always invites me play rock paper scissors his really a good friend

"Why did you help her?" Chishiya ask confused while eating his infamous cookie

"I just want to" I answered boredly

He raise his eyebrow while looking at me

"What if she's the jack?" He ask again

"There's no way she's the jack ive been observing her lately because of her behavior" I said while nodding he just shrugged

I notice urumi sitting alone while eating her strawberry pocky

"Hello, im surprised that you chose to trust me" I greet and sit next to her

"Yeah why'd you help me tho?" She ask while looking at me curiously

"Don't know just want to help" I said while thinking

"You know what i was really thankful to you if you didn't help me i would probably be dead right now let's be friends" She said while smiling

She's so cute I can't help but agree

"Okay" I said and smile at her too

The game ended enji is the jack of hearts i have been suspicious in that guy since the very beginning that emo guy

Me and chishiya bid goodbye to each other after that me and urumi get some snacks then we leave the prison

"I still can't believe that enji guy is the jack of hearts his really stupid" She insult him

"Yeah that emo guy he even accused me that i am the jack of hearts" I said and rolled my eyes

"So what game should we join next?" She ask

"Who knows" I answered

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