[fluff] Chishiya x reader

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Requested by: brilyze_


Y/n's POV

It's been a week since i got discharged in the hospital i still can't move on about what happened in the borderland it felt like it was yesterday

I reach my phone in my bedside table and look at the time 8:20 i just decide to watch a movie when suddenly my phone ring and it was chishiya i immediately answer it

"Hey Chishiya"

"Y/n let's meet I'm outside of your house"

"Wait what how do you know—"

I was about to say something when he ended the call gosh his so rude i stand up and go out to meet chishiya

"Shiya why are you here" I asked

"Let's date" He said out of nowhere

"Huh" I looked at him shocked at his words

"I rejected you in the borderlands because I don't wanna get too attached to you"

"Okay then let's give it a shot" I said and smile at him

He slowly lean closer his face to me until i felt his lips in mine he kiss me and i kiss back a few seconds later we let go of each other

"Are you free tomorrow night?" He ask

"No, why?" I said while still blushing he notice it and smirk

"Let's date tomorrow night 7:00" He said

"Sure but how do you know where i live" i ask curiously because i didn't told him when we're in the hospital

"I checked in the medical records" he simply answered

"Oh so you're my stalker now how sweet" i said and tease him

A few minutes later he decide to go home i waved my hands at him and smile happily while going back inside of my house

It's been a months since me and chishiya date and the day he asked me to be his girlfriend i was so happy in that day

He text me and ask me to meet him in the park

i was walking in the park full of beautiful lights until i saw him he walked towards me and i look at him stunned when he kneel down in front of me

"Y/n i few weeks later i realize that i wanna be with you forever, y/n will you marry me" He open the small box and i saw a ring inside

"Yes i will marry you shuntaro" He slowly put the ring in my hands and hug me tightly

"Y/n you have no idea how happy i am right now" He said and kissed me

A few years later we got married

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