Kyuma x fem reader

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Y/n's POV

I am in a concert band right now with my bestfriend i really don't want to come here i lazily look at her

"Y/n please stop being lazy you always play a game in your house did you forget me as your bestfriend" She said while touching her chest acting like hurt

"Fine" I rolled my eyes

"Yey y/n your the best!" She said and hugged my tightly

"I-i can't breathe" She then let go and apologize to me and said that she was just so excited at the band to finally start

I glared at her if she's not my friend i won't hesitate to pushed her off me earlier

The band finally start and the people started cheering loudly my poor ears

-----Time skip-----

The band was finally over with their concert but i still can't move on of the guy named kyuma he looks so hot earlier

Wait what the fuck i am even thinking we didn't even know each other!?

"Y/n were already here at your house a few minutes ago ive been calling your name but it seems like you didn't hear me are you okay?" She ask worriedly

"Yes i think my ears is now damage and cannot hear you because of the concert earlier" I said with a sarcasm

"Yeah whatever but i think you enjoy it too i saw you only looking at kyuma while he was singing" She said and grinned at me my face was now all red

"S-shut up" I stuttered

"Okay" She give me a teasing look i immediately got out off the car

I arrive on my house and go upstairs i still couldn't stop thinking about kyuma when i arrive i shut the door and jump on my bed still thinking about kyuma until i fell asleep


I was walking on the library looking at the shelf finding some interesting books when i found some 4 books and buy them

I was thinking about the game i played last night until i bumped at someone

My books and my game console fell over i fell on my knees while checking my broken game console

I look at my brand new game console it's broken i look at my game console heartbroken i start to cry

"Miss why are you crying!?" The person who bumped me started to panic

The people started to look at us but i don't care my lovely game console is broken

I angrily look at the person who bumped me i was about to shout at him because of anger but i think my tongue got cut off when i saw him

It was kyuma

Okay forget about the game console it's not important at all

"I'm really sorry it was all my fault!" I immediately said while my eyes are still tearly eyed

"No i was the one who should apologize look i even broke your game console and made you cry" He apologize

"I should just pay you it looks so expensive and important to you" He said and take out his money

"No! It's okay i can still buy a new one and it was not so expensive " I insisted

Lie I can't buy a new one anymore that is the last game console it was all sold out right now and it was super expensive

"Wait your the girl from my concert yesterday you seem can't take off your eyes on me in that day" He smirk

He remembered me and he even knows that i was staring at him the whole time this is so embarrassing

"Yeah hahahaha" I laugh awkwardly and look at my wrist watch oh no i need to do something important right now

"Well kyuma im going to head home right now i need to do something important" I said at him and picked up my books on the floor he help me pick it up

"Thank You and Goodbye" I waive at him

"Wait what's your name?" He ask

"Y/n" I answered and smile at him

"Well y/n can i have your number i wanna hang out with to sometime" He smile at me

"Sure!" We then exchange our phone number and bid goodbye to each other

It's been a month after the day we bumped to each other we've been hanging out ever since and i really enjoyed his accompany i think i like him

I was standing in the park kyuma ask me to meet in here when he arrive he smiled softly at me that made my heart flutter

"What are you going to tell me?" I ask while blushing

"Y/n i know that this is too sudden but i really like you" He said nervously

"I like you too" I smile softly at him

He looked at me shocked then smile at me and hold my hand

"Then y/n can you be girlfriend?"


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