Stalker Banda x reader

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I was working my night shift in the convenience store for my college tuitions

I was also studying in my night shift while trying to solve the math a person wearing a black hoodie walked in

After he finishes picking what he wants to buy and he dropped it at the counter
a rope, gloves, hammer, knife,
a sack and a other materials for murder

What the actual fuck? Is he going to commit a murder i just smile at him and just put the materials in a plastic bag i don't wanna get involved

"2,000 yen sir" I said and smile awkwardly at him

He pays me and then left I'll pray that he won't come back here again to kill me i don't wanna be a judge mental but he looks like he will kill someone

I just cut off my curiosity like they said curiousity kills the cat

Banda's POV

After buying that materials she smiled at me that made my heart beat faster

i don't know what the hell is this feeling

She's so beautiful i wanna keep her myself don't worry darling were gonna met again

The reason that i buy this materials is im planning to kill someone because she saw that i killed someone

I entered my basement and walk towards her she look at me terrified

I grab her hair and point her the knife in my hand she start begging me to let her live and she will tell no one about it but im not that stupid to let her live

"Too bad if you just mind your own business and stop following me like a dog this wouldn't happen to you" I said and stab her many times after that i throw her body at the river

Y/n's POV

A few weeks past by i can feel someone was staring and following me everyday and also the guy with black hoodie always buys at the convenience store

Right now i was following that mysterious guy im good at hiding my presence so i know that he wouldn't notice me

While following him he stopped at the middle of the forest after a minute a girl arrived and smile at him

"Banda!" She said while smiling because of happiness and hug him

"Didn't i tell you to leave me alone i don't like you" He threateningly said at her but the seen not to notice it

Is he stupid or what?

"No i wouldn't leave you alone until you agree to be my boyfriend" He said while blushing

My eyes wide open when he quickly slit the girls throat wtf i regret coming in here

"You're so annoying i shoul just kill you sooner" He whisper at her ear

I step back and accidentally step at a can that made a sound
he look towards me and i began to run faster i can feel him following me

Unluckily he catch me and pin me on the ground he pointed his knife at me

"Who are you?" He said while looking at me full of rage

When he removed my mask his eyes soften

"Darling?" The last thing i heard after everything went black

I wake up and the memories of what happened come back to me i began to panic i shouldn't just follow him im definitely sure that his going to kill me

I got stunned when i saw the wall full of my pictures i saw some of the pictures when im sleeping and while working at the convenience store

"Darling your awake do you like it?" He said while smirking at me

I drop my knees on the ground and begged him to let me live

"Please please don't kill me i wouldn't tell anyone about what happened just let me live" I begged

His smirk drop when he saw me crying he immediately walk towards me and hug me

"Stop crying baby i wouldn't kill you im not stupid to do that" He said while trying to calm me down

"Really?" I ask while crying

"Yes but if you left me i would surely kill you" He said while pointing a knife at me

I nodded scared of what he can do to me

"Goodgirl" He smiled

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