Takumi maki x reader

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Requested by: Athena736


Y/n's POV

I was watching a band but only focusing my attention to  Takumi Maki

It's better to just admire him affar than confessing my true feelings for him.

The day he walked in on our classroom when we are still in high school he immediately caught my attention

We immediately become friends and start hanging out together with his bandmates


"Y/n!" Maki shout that made me look at him

"Are you okay your spaced out again?" He worriedly ask

"No im fine, what is it?" I smile at him

"I'm going on a another blind date again tonight" He said while smiling

"Really?" I ask trying to hide the pain in my eyes

"Yes! She's pretty i just want to inform you about it because your my bestfriend, i need to get ready for my date" He said and run away at me

"Bye y/n see you tomorrow!" He wave

'Maybe some day I'll find the strength to say that you are more that a bestfriend to me'

Someone put a hand on my shoulder i look up and saw kyuma together with uta

"You know what y/n you should confess to him right now" Uta said while looking at me worriedly

"She's right y/n" He said while patting my shoulder

"I'm going to think about it" I said and smile at the two of them

"Well then we hope that you would confess to him as soon as possible" Uta said and smile softly at me before they bid a good bye

Should i confess to him? Or not


"Maki i like you!" I shout while looking down

He just stood there while looking at me shocked

"I know that you don't like me back so–" My words are cut off when I felt his lips on mine

"I like you too y/n, I've been dating every girl just to forget you because i thought that you don't like me but im so happy when you said that you like me back" He said while gently putting my hands on his face

"I love you y/n"

"I love you too maki"

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